Die verband tussen loopbaanvolwassenheid, rolbelangrikheid en akademiese prestasie : 'n verkennende studie

Kotze, M. E.
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AOSIS OpenJournal
The relationship between career maturity, role importance and academic performance: an exploratory study. Academically successful and -unsuccessful students were compared with regard to their career maturity, life role importance and work values. The experimental design provided for two matched groups. The subjects were 14 pairs of first year students in a career directed degree course. Academically unsuccessful students measured significantly higher with regard to participation in, commitment to and value expectations of their role as worker. The same group of students also measured more career mature with regard to decision-making, world-of-work information and career planning. No significant differences were found for work values. More research is necessary to confirm the possible explanations for the results.
Akademies-suksesvolle en -onsuksesvolle studente is vergelyk ten opsigte van hulle loopbaanvolwassenheid, belangrikheid van lewensrolle en werkwaardes. Die eksperimentele ontwerp het voorsiening gemaak vir twee afgepaarde groepe. Die proefpersone was 14 pare eerstejaarstudente in 'n beroepsgerigte graadkursus. Akademiesonsuksesvolle studente het beduidend hoer gemeet ten opsigte van hulle deelname aan, betrokkenheid by en waardeverwagtinge van hul rol as werker. Dieselfde groep studente het ook meer loopbaanvolwasse gemeet met betrekking tot besluitneming, wereld-van-werk informasie en loopbaanbeplanning. Geen beduidende verskille is ten opsigte van werkwaardes gevind nie. Verdere navorsing om die moontlike verklarings vir die resultate te bevestig, is nodig.
The original publication is available at http://www.sajip.co.za
Career maturity, Role importance, Academic achievement
Kotze, M.E. 1993. Die verband tussen loopbaanvolwassenheid, rolbelangrikheid en akademiese prestasie : 'n verkennende studie. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 19(3):13-17. doi:10.4102/sajip.v19i3.561.