Conceptual description of a novel three-tiered philosophy for sewer network master planning in South Africa

Jacobs H.E.
Van Dijk M.
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The researchers report on an extensive survey of South African guidelines for sewer network design and analysis and identify the current regional philosophies for system master planning. In order to streamline the master planning process in South Africa and develop a best management procedure a three tier philosophy is proposed by the authors for sewer system master planning: Level 1 comprises the application of the most basic rules presented in hard copy format. Level 2 entails a more sophisticated approach incorporating computer analyses and design theories that take into account the hydraulics and cost of system elements, requiring a basic analysis of the system or parts thereof. Level 3 is the most advanced and requires advanced skill and software tools to conduct master planning of extensive sewer systems. These three tiers could also in future act as a basis for describing a best management procedure for sewer system planning © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London.
Computer analysis, Design theory, Hard copies, Level 2, Level-1, Management procedures, Master planning, Sewer networks, Sewer system, South Africa, System elements, Ontology, Philosophical aspects, Water supply, Waterworks, Sewers
Integrating Water Systems - Proceedings of the 10th International on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2009