N-vinylpyrrolidone-vinyl acetate block copolymers as drug delivery vehicles

Bailly, Nathalie
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of the amphiphilic block copolymer poly((vinylpyrrolidone)-b-poly(vinyl acetate)) (PVP-b-PVAc) as a vehicle for hydrophobic anti-cancer drugs. PVP-b-PVAc block copolymers of constant hydrophilic PVP block length and varying hydrophobic PVAc block lengths were synthesized via xanthate-mediated controlled radical polymerization (CRP). The methodology consisted of growing the PVAc chain from a xanthate end-functional PVP. In an aqueous environment the amphiphilic block copolymers selfassembled into spherical vesicle-like structures consisting of a hydrophobic PVAc bilayer membrane, a hydrophilic PVP corona and an aqueous core. The self-assembly behaviour and the physicochemical properties of the self-assembled structures were investigated by 1H NMR spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and dynamic and static light scattering. Drug loading studies were performed using a model hydrophobic drug, clofazimine, and a common anti-cancer drug paclitaxel (PTX) to evaluate the potential of the PVP-b-PVAc block copolymers for drug delivery,. Clofazimine and PTX were physically entrapped into the hydrophobic domain of the self-assembled PVP-b-PVAc block copolymers via the dialysis method. The drug-loaded PVP-b-PVAc block copolymers were characterized regarding particle size, morphology, stability and drug loading capacity in order to assess their feasibility as a drug vehicle. The polymer vesicles had a relatively high drug loading capacity of 20 wt %. The effect of the hydrophobic PVAc block length on the drug loading capacity and encapsulation efficiency were also studied. Drug loading increased with increasing the hydrophobic PVAc block length. The effect of the drug feed ratio of clofazimine and PTX on the drug loading capacity and encapsulation efficiency were also investigated. The optimal formulation for the drug-loaded PVP-b-PVAc was determined and further investigated in vitro. The size stability of the drugloaded PVP-b-PVAc block copolymers was also assessed under physiological conditions (PBS, pH 7.4, 37 °C) and were stable in the absence and presence of serum. PVP-b-PVAc block copolymers were tested in vitro on MDA-MB-231 multi-drug-resistant human breast epithelial cancer cells and normal MCF12A breast epithelial cells to provide evidence of their antitumor efficacy. In vitro cell culture studies revealed that the PVP-b-PVAc drug carrier exhibited no cytotoxicity towards MDA-MB-231 and MCF12A cells, confirming the biocompatibility of the PVP-b-PVAc carrier. In vitro cytotoxicity assays using clofazimine-PVPb- PVAc formulations showed that when MDA-MB-231 cells were exposed to the formulations, an enhanced therapeutic effect was observed compared to the free drug. Cellular internalization of the PVP-b-PVAc drug carrier was demonstrated by fluorescent labeling of the PVP-b-PVAc carrier. Fluorescence microscopy results showed that the carrier was internalized by the MDAMB- 231 cells after 3 hours and localized in the cytoplasm and the perinuclear region. Overall, it was demonstrated that PVP-b-PVAc block copolymers appear to be promising candidates for the delivery of hydrophobic anti-cancer drugs.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie is gebaseer op die gebruik van amfifieliese blokkopolimere van poli((Nvinielpirolidoon)- b-poli(vinielasetaat)) (PVP-b-PVAc) as potensiële geneesmiddeldraers. PVP-b-PVAc blokkopolimere van konstante hydrofiliese bloklengte en verskillende hydrofobiese bloklengte is voorberei via die RAFT/MADIX-proses. Blokkopolimere met vinielasetaat is vanaf poli(N-vinielpirolidoon) met ‘n xantaatendfunksie voorberei. In ‘n wateromgewing vorm die PVP-b-PVAc blokkopolimere vesikel strukture met ‘n hydrofobiese membraan en ‘n hydrofiliese mantel. Die fisies-chemiese eienskappe van die PVP-b-PVAc blokkopolimere is gekarakteriseerd met gebruik van KMR spektroskopie, fluoresent spektroskopie, transmissie elektronmikroskopie (TEM) en dinamiese en statiese lig verstrooiing. Die potensiaal van PVP-b-PVAc as ‘n geneesmiddeldraer is ondersoek deur gebruik te maak van die hydrofobiese geneesmiddel, clofazimine, en ‘n anti-kanker geneesmiddel, paclitaxel. Clofazimine en paclitaxel is ge-inkapsuleer in die hydrofobiese gedeelte van die blokkopolimere via die dialise-metode. Clofazimine-PVP-b-PVAc en paclitaxel-PVPb- PVAc blokkopolimere is gekarakteriseerd met betrekking tot die partikel grootte, morfologie, stabiliteit en laai kapasitiet om die PVP-b-PVAc blokkopolimere as geneesmiddeldraers te evalueer. Die PVP-b-PVAc geneesmiddeldraer het ‘n relatiewe hoë laai kapsiteit van 20 gew % aangetoon. Die invloed van die bloklengte op die laai kapasitiet is ook ondersoek en beskryf. ‘n Toename in die laai kapasitiet is gesien met ‘n toename in die hydrofobiese bloklengte. Die invloed van die hoeveelheid geneesmiddel op die laai kapasitiet en die inkapsuleer doeltreffendheid is ook ondersoek. Die optimale formulasie is gevind en verder gebruik vir in vitro studies. Die stabiliteit van die geneesmiddeldraer in fisiologiese omstandighede (pH 7.4, 37 °C) is ook beskryf. Resultate toon aan dat die sisteem stabiel is onder hierdie omstandighede in die afwesigheid en aanwesigheid van serum. In vitro eksperimente is op MCF12A epiteel-borsselle en MDA-MB-231 epiteelborskankerselle getoets om die anti-tumoraktiwiteit te ondersoek. Resultate toon aan dat die PVP-b-PVAc geen sitotoxiese effek op die selle het nie, wat aandui dat die polimere bioverenigbaar is. Verder is dit bewys dat die PVP-b-PVAc geneesmiddel formualsie ’n hoër sitotoxisiteit besit as die vry-geneesmiddel. Fluoresent studies het aangetoon dat die geneesmiddeldraer na 3 uur opgeneen word deur MDA-MB231 selle en gelokaliseerd is in die sitoplasma en in die omgewing van die kern van die selle. In die algemeen is dit aangetoon dat PVP-b-PVAc blokkopolimere potensiële kandidate vir die lewering van hydrofobiese geneesmiddels is.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.
Block copolymers, Polymeric drug delivery systems, Polymers in medicine, Dissertations -- Polymer science, Theses -- Polymer science