The design of an analogue class-D audio amplifier using Z-domain methods

Kemp, Pieter Stephanus
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The class-D audio power amplifier has found widespread use in both the consumer and professional audio industry for one reason: efficiency. A higher efficiency leads to a smaller and cheaper design, and in the case of mobile devices, a longer battery life. Unfortunately, the basic class-D amplifier has some serious drawbacks. These include high distortion levels, a load dependent frequency response and the potential to radiate EMI. Except for EMI, the aforementioned issues can be mitigated by the proper implementation of global negative feedback. Negative feedback also has the potential to indirectly reduce EMI, since the timing requirements of the output devices can be relaxed. This thesis discusses the design of a clocked analogue controlled pulse-width modulated class-D audio amplifier with global negative feedback. The analogue control loop is converted to the z-domain by modelling the PWM comparator as a sampling operation. A method is implemented that improves clip recovery and ensures stability during over-modulation. Loop gain is shaped to provide a high gain across the audio band, and ripple compensation is implemented to minimize the negative effect of ripple feedback. Experimental results are presented.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die klas-D klankversterker geniet wydverspreide gebruik in beide die verbruiker en professionele oudio industrie vir een rede: benuttingsgraad. ’n Hoër benuttingsgraad lei tot ’n kleiner en goedkoper ontwerp, en in die geval van draagbare toestelle, tot langer batterylewe. Ongelukkig het die basiese klas-D klankversterker ernstige tekortkominge, naamlik hoë distorsievlakke, ’n lasafhanklike frekwensierespons en die vermoë om EMI te genereer. Behalwe vir EMI kan hierdie kwessies deur die korrekte toepassing van globale negatiewe terugvoer aangespreek word. Negatiewe terugvoer het ook die potensiaal om EMI indirek te verminder, aangesien die tydvereistes van die skakel stadium verlaag kan word. Hierdie tesis bespreek die ontwerp van ’n geklokte analoog-beheerde pulswydte-modulerende klas-D klankversterker met globale negatiewe terugvoer. Die analoogbeheerlus word omgeskakel na die z-vlak deur die PWM vlakvergelyker as ’n monster operasie te modelleer. ’n Metode word geïmplementeer wat die stabiliteit van die lus verseker tydens oormodulasie. Die lusaanwins word gevorm om ’n hoë aanwins in die oudioband te verseker en riffelkompensasie word geïmplementeer om die negatiewe effek van terugvoerriffel teen te werk. Eksperimentele resultate word voorgelê.
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012
Class-D audio amplifier, Pulse-width modulation, Discrete-time modelling, Dissertations -- Electronic engineering, Theses -- Electronic engineering