Feedback control of a shape memory alloy actuator for control surface deflection

Ehlers, Righardt Frederick
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The successful design, implementation and testing of a feedback control system for tab-deflection control of a shape memory alloy (SMA) based control surface actuator is presented. The research is performed as part of the Control Surfaces in Confined Spaces (CoSICS) research project conducted at Stellenbosch University. The research group investigates ways to provide control surface actuation in size-restricted spaces in commercial aircraft such as the Airbus A320 and A330. This is achieved by investigating the concept of trailing edge tabs to reduce the required torque load, resulting in reduced actuator requirements enabling the use of smaller actuators. This thesis contributes to the project by investigating the possibility of using SMA-based actuators in reduced hinge moment requirement applications. An SMA-based tab actuator demonstrator design is presented. Mathematical models are derived for the SMA material, thermodynamics and actuator geometry. The models are combined to formulate an SMA-based control surface actuator model. The model is utilised in four tracking feedback controller designs; two based on linear and two based on non-linear control techniques. The manufactured prototype is presented along with the incorporated hardware for controller implementation. System identification follows and validates the three mathematical models. Practical verification of the model and two of the controllers is conducted. The unimplemented controllers are implemented through a validated model simulation. Controller evaluation, based on the dynamic controller performance, is conducted. The results validate the concept of using an SMA actuator for tab-deflection control and indicate important limitations for the intended application.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die tesis behels die ontwerp, implementering en toetsing van ’n terugvoer beheerstelsel vir hulpvlak defleksie beheer van ’n vorm-geheue allooi (SMA) gebaseerde aktueerder. Die navorsing vorm deel van die Beheervlakke in Begrensde Ruimtes (CoSICS) navorsingsprojek by Stellenbosch Universiteit. Die CoSICS navorsing behels ’n ondersoek na beheervlak aktueering in beknopte spasies in kommersiële vliegtuie soos die Airbus A320 en A330. Die probleem word aangespreek deur ’n ondersoek na aerodinamiese hulpvlakke wat ’n vermindering in skarnier moment tot gevolg het en sodoende die aktueerder vereistes verminder. Hierdie tesis dra by tot die projek deur die moontlikheid van die gebruik van SMAgebaseerde aktueerders in verminderde skarnier moment vereiste toepassings te ondersoek. ‘n SMA gebaseerde hulpvlak demonstrasie aktueerder ontwerp word voorgelê. Wiskundige modelle vir die SMA materiaal, termodinamika en prototipe geometrie is geformuleer en gekombineer om ‘n SMA gebaseerde beheervlak aktueerder model te ontwikkel. Die model word in vier beheerder ontwerpe toegepas. Twee ontwerpe is op liniëre en twee op nie-liniëre beheer tegnieke gebaseer. Die prototipe en nodige hardeware vir beheerder implementasie is voorgedra. Stelsel identifikasie is toegepas en verifieer die drie wiskundige modelle. Praktiese verifikasie van die model en twee beheerders is gedoen. Die ongeïmplementeerde beheerders is deur die geverifieerde aktueerder model gesimuleer. ‘n Beheerder evaluasie gebaseer op die dinamiese beheerder gedrag word toegepas. Die evaluasie beklemtoon kritiese aspekte en beperkinge in verband met SMA aktueering. Die resultate regverdig die gebruik van ‘n SMA aktueerder vir hulpvlak defleksie beheer en beklemtoon belangrike beperkinge ten opsigte van die voorgestelde toepassing.
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.
Smart materials, Shape memory alloys, Control surface, Actuator, Feedback control, Dissertations -- Electronic engineering, Theses -- Electronic engineering, Control surfaces -- Confined spaces