A study of the relationship between school dropout and AIDS orphans in Oshana region

Ishola, Anthony
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: We do not know if there is a relationship between school dropout and being an AIDS orphan in Oshana region. This research seeks to investigate why some orphaned children drop out of school. Despite government and Non-governmental agenciesā€˜ support, cases of orphans abandoning education still abound. The research instrument for data collection was done through qualitative and quantitative methods followed by triangulation of two tools: a questionnaire and focus group discussions. The information gathered were analysed using the SPSS data analysis software as well as through coding of qualitative data. This study combined the two approaches to gain a more complete picture of the situation of orphans and school dropout. It was found that many orphans still face many challenges and to some continuing with schooling is just a luxury they can ill afforded. Lack of parental love and support, weak to non-existence of guardian support, domestic problems, food security, poor awareness of GRN support interventions, poor psychosocial support and working to earn income ranked amongst the highest reasons some orphans drop out of school. The concerns of majority of life skill teachers towards the well-being of AIDS orphans have greatly ameliorated the self-worth and schooling of orphans.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit is onduidelik of daar 'n verband is tussen staking van skoolstudie en MIV-weeskinders in die Oshana gebied van NamibiĆ«. Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om te bepaal waarom sekere MIV-verwante weeskinders hulle skoolstudies onderbreek of staak. Inligting is versamel deur middel van beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe metodes en die resultate van die studies is daarna met mekaar vergelyk. Vir die studie is 'n vraelys en fokusgroep onderskeidelik gebruik. Die inligting wat verkry is, is deur middel van die SPSS dataontledings-sagteware ontleed. Daar is bevind dat baie weeskinders steeds baie uitdagings te bowe moet kom ten einde hulle skoolloopbane te voltooi. Daar is 'n gebrek aan ondersteuning deur die ouers; 'n swak huislike ondersteuningstelsel; huislike probleme; gebrek aan die sekuriteit van gereelde voeding en swak psigososiale ondersteuning. Kinders moet ook dikwels werk om inkomste aan te vul. Onderwysers in lewensvaardighede by die skole slaag egter daarin om hierdie probleem suksesvol aan te spreek en die selfwaarde van die kinders positief te beĆÆnvloed. Verdere voorstelle ter verbetering word in studie gemaak.
Thesis (MPhil) -- Stellenbosch University, 2012.
Children of AIDS patients -- Namibia -- Oshana, Orphans -- Namibia -- Oshana, Dropouts -- Namibia -- Oshana, Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- Industrial psychology, Assignments -- Industrial psychology, Dissertations -- HIV/AIDS management, Theses -- HIV/AIDS management, Assignments -- HIV/AIDS management