Workplace HIV and AIDS peer education : factors inhibiting the implementation of HIV and AIDS peer education programme of Durban correctional system

Khanyile, Fikile Isabel
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The workplace HIV and AIDS peer educators were recruited by the Department of Correctional Services in order to render education, awareness and preventative programmes to employees on HIV and AIDS. However, there is lack of endeavor that is being seen in these peer educators concerning the provision of the required services. The study investigated the factors inhibiting the implementation of workplace HIV and AIDS peer education programme of Durban Correctional System in order to identify areas that need strengthening so that intervention measures can ensure the success of the endeavour. Findings indicated the need of HIV and AIDS training of supervisors and line managers concerning the impact of HIV and AIDS in the workplace as well as the roles and responsibilities to be undertaken by them to combat the spread and effects of the epidemic hence management support and participation is regarded as a key intervention strategy in the management of HIV and AIDS. The study also necessitated for the establishment of a fully flashed structure of workplace HIV and AIDS programme from Head office down to Correctional centres. Furthermore, the supervision of peer educators was identified as a great need hence it will improve work performance.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die werkplek MIV en VIGS portuurgroep-opvoeders is gewerf deur die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste om opvoeding, bewusmaking en voorkomingsprogramme aan werknemers rakende MIV en VIGS te lewer. Daar is egter 'n gebrek aan pogings aan die kant van die portuurgroepleiers in die voorsiening van nodige dienste. Die studie ondersoek die faktore wat die implementering van werkplek MIV en VIGS portuurgroep-onderrigprogramme van Durban se Korrektiewe Stelsel terughou met die doel om die areas te identifiseer wat ingrypingsmaatreels benodig. Bevindinge dui op die behoefte van MIV en VIGS opleiding van toesighouers en lynbestuurders rakende die impak van MIV en VIGS in die werkplek, sowel as die rolle en verantwoordelikhede wat deur hulle onderneem moet word om die verspreiding en gevolge van die epidemie te bestuur. Die studie het ook genoodsaak vir die vestiging van 'n ten volle gestruktureerde werkplek MIV en VIGS-program vanaf hoofkantoor aan korrektiewe sentrums. Verder is die toesig van portuurgroepopleiers geïdentifiseer as 'n groot behoefte, dus sal dit werksprestasie verbeter.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.
South Africa. Dept. of Correctional Services -- Officials and employees -- Health and hygiene, HIV and AIDS education, Correctional personnel -- Health and hygiene -- South Africa -- Durban, Workplace peer education programmes -- South Africa -- Durban, HIV infections -- Prevention -- South Africa -- Durban, AIDS (Disease) -- Prevention -- South Africa -- Durban