Organic farming : the way forward for sustainable agriculture in the Western Cape Province

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The incidence of organic agriculture, seen as the sustainable agriculture of the future, was investigated in the Western Cape Province (WCP). Informationabout organic farms in the WCP was obtained through the Internet, over a period of three months. These farms occupy about 33% (771 122 hal of the area within the WCP which is presently being used for the cultivation of crops and horticulture. The information obtained with regard to the type of agriculture and the location thereof was processed and presented graphically. Further, the utilisation of land in the WCP was researched, as well as the problems experienced with the degradation thereof. The possibility of making municipal commonage available to communities and small farmers for sustainable agriculture was also investigated. Taking cognisance of the above variables (organic farms, soil quality and municipal commonage), "Go Organics at Spier" (GOAS) was investigated as a case study. Recommendation was then made on how organic agriculture in the WCP could be promoted.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die voorkoms van organiese landbou, gesien as die volhoubare landbou van die toekoms, is ondersoek in die Wes~Kaap Provinsie (WKP). Inligting oor die organiese plase in die WKP is verkry deur middel van die Internet, oor 'n periode van drie maande. Hierdie plase beslaan ongeveer 33% (771 122 ha) van die oppervlakte binne die WKP wat tans vir die verbouing van gewasse benut word. Die inligting wat verkry is ten opsigte van die tipe landbou en die ligging daarvan is verwerk en grafies voorgestel. Verder is daar ondersoek ingestel na die benutting van grond in die WKP en die probleme wat ondervind word met die degradasie daarvan. Daar is ook ondersoek ingestel na die moontlikheid om munisipale gemeenskapsgronde beskikbaar te stel aan gemeenskappe en klein boere vir volhoubare landbou. Met inageneming van bogenoemde veranderlikes (organiese plase, grond kwaliteit en munisipale gemeenskapsgrand), is "Go Organics at Spier" (GOAS) as 'n gevallestudie ondersoek. Voorstelle word dan gemaak oor die bevordering van organiese landbou in die WKP.
Thesis (MPhil) --Stellenbosch University, 2003.
Sustainable agriculture, Organic farming -- South Africa -- Western Cape, Dissertations -- Public management and planning, Theses -- Public management and planning