A numerical investigation into the heave, sway and roll motions of typical ship like hull sections using RANS numerical methods

Henning, H. L.
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The hydrodynamic characteristics of three typical ship-like hull sections, in different motions, are numerically investigated using FLUENT, 2009. These simple shapes, namely a v-bottom (triangle) hull, a at-bottom (square) hull and a round-bottom (semi-circle) hull, are investigated in uncoupled heave, sway and roll. The problem is described in two dimensions. A combination of numerical methods and models, found in literature, are used to conduct this investigation. Hull characterisation is achieved through the use of hull mass and damping coe cients. These numerically determined coe cients are compared to experimental work conducted by Vugts (1968). A good correlation between the numerical and experimental results exists for the heave and sway cases. By normalising the coe cients, different hulls are comparable to one another. The numerical models used are validated and veri ed. Roll motion remains largely unsolved for very large angles of roll (in excess of 11°). Different uid ow phenomena occurring around the hull sections have varying degrees of in uence on the motions of a hull. It is found that not one of the turbulence models investigated can be employed to globally solve each type of hull-motion case. Also, forced oscillations in computational simulations require considerably more computational time than free-decay oscillating hull simulations.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hidrodinamiese karakteristieke van verskillende skeepsrompvorms, in verskeie bewegingswieë, is numeries ondersoek met behulp van FLUENT, 2009. Drie eenvoudige vorms ('n v-bodem (driehoek), plat-bodem (reghoek) en rondebodem (semi-sirkel) romp) is onderskeidelik ondersoek in opwieg, dwarswieg en rol. Die probleem is twee-dimensioneel. Daar is gebruik gemaak van 'n kombinasie van numeriese metodes en modelle, uit die literatuur, om die ondersoek uit te voer. Die rompe is gekarakteriseer met behulp van massa- en dempingskoëffi siënte. Hierdie numeries bepaalde koë ffisiënte is vergelyk met die eksperimentele werk van Vugts (1968). Daar bestaan 'n goeie korrelasie tussen die numeriese en eksperimentele resultate vir die opwieg en dwarswieg gevalle. Die koë ffisiënte is genormaliseer om die verskeie rompvorms te vergelyk. Die numeriese modelle is geverifi eer en valideer. Rolbewegings is onopgelos vir groot rolhoeke (groter as 11°). Die mate waartoe die romp se beweging beïnvloed word deur die verskillende vloei verskynsels wat om die rompe ontstaan, verskil. Daar is bevind dat geen van die turbulensie modelle gebruik kan word om alle skeepsbeweging-gevalle op te los nie. Gedwonge-ossilasie numeriese simulasies benodig meer berekeningstyd as vrye-verval ossilasie gevalle.
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2011.
Hulls (Naval architecture), Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) methods, Hydrodynamics, Dissertations -- Mechanical engineering, Theses -- Mechanical engineering, Ships -- Hydrodynamics