Comparison of the accuracy of the calibration model on the double and single integrating sphere systems

Singh A.
Karsten A.
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The accuracy of the calibration model for the single and double integrating sphere systems are compared for a white light system. A calibration model is created from a matrix of samples with known absorption and reduced scattering coefficients. In this instance the samples are made using different concentrations of intralipid and black ink. The total and diffuse transmittance and reflectance is measured on both setups and the accuracy of each model compared by evaluating the prediction errors of the calibration model for the different systems. Current results indicate that the single integrating sphere setup is more accurate than the double system method. This is based on the low prediction errors of the model for the single sphere system for a He-Ne laser as well as a white light source. The model still needs to be refined for more absorption factors. Tests on the prediction accuracies were then determined by extracting the optical properties of solid resin based phantoms for each system. When these properties of the phantoms were used as input to the modeling software excellent agreement between measured and simulated data was found for the single sphere systems. © 2011 SPIE.
Calibration model, Integrating sphere, Light tissue interaction, Absorption factor, Calibration model, Double system, He-Ne lasers, Integrating sphere, Integrating spheres, Intralipids, Light tissue interaction, matrix, Modeling softwares, Prediction accuracy, Prediction errors, Reduced scattering coefficients, Simulated data, Sphere systems, White light sources, White light systems, Absorption, Calibration, Errors, Forecasting, Light sources, Medical applications, Medical imaging, Optical properties, Tissue, Spheres
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering