The role of health care workers in supporting individuals with intellectual disabilities

France, Thembisa
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sexuality education forms part of the life skills learning area. Sexuality education has become a means of providing the information learners need so they can prevent or protect themselves against abuse and violence including rape. It also helps young people to develop coping strategies in their social lives. However, the approach in schools to sexuality education does not cater for the needs of individuals with an intellectual disability. This study aims, therefore to explore whether these individuals (those with intellectual disability) are provided in other ways with information relating to sexuality education. The reason for selecting this group is that research has found that individuals with intellectual disability are more vulnerable to abuse, rape and violence. Hence, equipping them with skills on how to deal and cope with those societal dangers is essential. This study does not focus on those individuals with intellectual disability who are at school but focuses on those that are out of school in the community. A questionnaire is used to determine whether these individuals are adequately provided with sexuality education. The participants of this study are the health care workers chosen because they are the people who are supposed to be interacting on a regular basis with these individuals. They are the people who provide individuals with an intellectual disability with medication and treatment. The findings of the study are that individuals with intellectual disability are not provided with information on sexuality education. It is a challenge, therefore, to all the service providers to equip and empower these individuals with information on sexuality issues so they can cope with the societal pressures. The study also explores the health workers' perceptions of and experiences with individuals with an intellectual disability. The findings of the study are that the health care workers have different perceptions of individuals with intellectual disability on issues of sexuality. Most of their decisions are based on the individual's level of intellectual disability, especially with regard to issues such as the right to have children and the desirability of sterilisation.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Seksuele opvoeding vorm deel van die lewensvaardighede-leerarea. Seksuele opvoeding het 'n middel geword om kennis oor te dra aan leerders om hulle teen mishandeling en geweld, insluitende verkragting, te beskerm en te verhoed dat hulle daaraan blootgestel word. Dit rus jongmense ook toe om doeltreffender strategieë te ontwikkel vir hulle daaglikse verkeer met ander persone. Seksuele opvoeding op skool maak egter nie voorsiening vir persone met 'n intellektuele gestremdheid nie. Hierdie navorsingsprojek het dus ten doel om vas te stel of daar voorsiening gemaak word sodat hierdie persone (met 'n intellektuele gestremdheid) seksuele opvoeding op ander maniere kan bekom. Die rede waarom juis hierdie groep gekies word, is omdat navorsing getoon het dat persone met 'n intellektuele gestremdheid kwesbaarder is vir mishandeling, verkragting en geweld. Dit is noodsaaklik om hulle met vaardighede toe te rus om hierdie samelewingsgevare die hoof te bied. Hierdie navorsingsprojek fokus nie op persone wat op skool is nie, maar juis op dié wat in die gemeenskap is. 'n Vraelys word gebruik om vas te stel of hierdie persone voldoende seksuele opvoeding ontvang. Die deelnemers aan hierdie navorsingsprojek is gesondheidswerkers omdat hulle veronderstel is om op 'n gereelde grondslag met die betrokke individue in aanraking te kom. Húlle is die mense wat persone met intellektuele ongeskiktheid van medikasie en behandeling voorsien. Die bevindinge van hierdie projek is dat persone met intellektuele gestremdheid nie van seksuele opvoeding voorsien word nie. Dit is dus 'n uitdaging aan diensverskaffers om hierdie persone met kennis rakende kwessies oor seksualiteit toe te rus en te bemagtig sodat hulle groepsdruk beter kan hanteer. Die projek verken ook gesondheidswerkers se persepsies en ondervindinge aangaande persone met beperkte verstandelike vermoëns. Die bevindinge van hierdie navorsingsprojek toon dat gesondheidswerkers uiteenlopende persepsies het van persone met beperkte verstandelike vermoëns rakende kwessies rondom seksualiteit. Die meeste van hulle sienings is gebaseer op die persoon se vlak van intellektuele gestremdheid, veral rondom sake soos die reg om kinders te hê en die wenslikheid van sterilisasie.
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2004.
People with disabilities -- Services for, People with disabilities -- Sexual behavior, Caregivers -- Attitudes, Sex instruction for people with disabilities, Dissertations -- Education, Theses -- Education