The application of the Planning Indicators Model as a tool for measuring the success of the Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework in the Cape Metropolitan Area

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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Recently there has been growing interest in evaluating the performance and outcomes of spatial planning policies worldwide. In response to this a research was carried out to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of spatial planning policies in the Cape Metropolitan Area (CMA). The Planning Indicators Model (PIM), which consists of a set of twenty-six indicators, was applied to monitor and measure the extent to which the Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework (MSDF) has affected land use and physical development in the CMA. To achieve the aim of the study, the research was divided into three phases. The first phase involved a literature review, the second phase involved interviews with planning officials and lastly, the collection of different thematic datasets required to run the Planning Indicators Model. The data sets were used to monitor and display spatiotemporal variations in conformance and performance indices in the form of maps. These maps were used to identify areas where strengths can be protected and where weaknesses need to be corrected. From a set of 26 indicators used for this study only two indicators monitored conformances (Growth of informal housing townships) over the period 1993 – 1998; the others simply indicated the present conditions. This means that the rest of the indicators did not show trends. However, the data are presented in this report as a useful baseline for future conformance and performance monitoring exercises. The study also revealed that for the past twelve years the MSDF has been the subject of extensive debate within the local authorities. Also several indicators seem to overlap and need to be clearly defined, thus it is recommended that some of these indicators should be combined to avoid duplication and confusion. Generally, the PIM can assist in making the impact of spatial planning greater in the CMA.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Onlangs is daar wêreldwyd groeiende belangstelling in die prestasies en uitkomstes van ruimtelike beplannings- beleide. In reaksie daarop is hierdie navorsing gedoen om die doeltreffendheid van die ruimtelike beplannings- beleide van die Kaapse Metropolitaanse Gebied (KMG) te evalueer en te monitor. Die Beplannings Aanwysers Model (BAM) wat bestaan uit ‘n stel van ses-en- twintig aanwysers, is aangewend om te meet tot hoeverre die Metropolitaanse Ruimtelike Ontwikkelings Raamwerk grondgebruik en fisiese ontwikkeling in die Kaapse Metropolitaanse Gebied beïnvloed het. Om die doelwit van hierdie studie te verwesenlik, is die navorsing gedoen in drie fases. Die eerste fase bestaan uit ‘n oorsig van die literatuur en die tweede fase uit onderhoude met amptenare verantwoordelik vir beplanning. Die laaste fase beslaan die versameling van die verskillende tematiese stelle data wat benodig word vir die Beplannings Aanwysers Model. Die stelle data is gebruik om die ruimtelike- en tydsvariasies in die konformering- en prestasie indekse te monitor en ten toon te stel in die vorm van kaarte. Hierdie kaarte is gebruik om die gebiede te identifiseer waar sterkpunte behoue moet bly en waar swakpunte reggestel moet word. Uit die stel van 26 aanwysers wat gebruik is vir hierdie studie, het net twee aanwysers konformering (Die groei van dorpsgebiede met informele behuising) gedurende die periode 1993 – 1998 gemonitor; die ander het eenvoudig die huidige toestand aangetoon. Dit beteken dat die ander aanwysers nie tendense aangetoon het nie. Die data word egter in hierdie verslag weergee as ‘n nuttige basis vir die toekomstige monitor van konformering en prestasie. Die studie toon ook aan dat daar gedurende die afgelope twaalf jaar baie deur plaaslike owerhede gedebatteer is oor die Metropolitaanse Ruimtelike Ontwikkelings Raamwerk. Ook oorvleuel sommige van die aanwysers en moet hulle meer duidelik omskryf word. Dus word daar aanbeveel dat sommige van die aanwysers gekombineer moet word om duplikasie en verwarring te voorkom. Oor die algemeen kan die Beplanning Aanwysers Model help om die impak van ruimtelike beplanning op die Kaapse Metropolitaanse Gebied te bevorder.
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.
City planning -- South Africa -- Cape Town Metropolitan Area -- Evaluation, Urban policy -- South Africa -- Cape Town Metropolitan Area -- Evaluation, Geographic information systems, Theses -- Geography and environmental studies, Dissertations -- Geography and environmental studies, Theses -- Geographic Information Systems, Dissertations -- Geographic Information Systems