Studies on the influence of DNA repair on radiosensitivity in prostate cell lines

Serafin A.M.
Akudugu J.M.
Bohm L.
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The relationship between radiosensitivity and DNA repair was investigated in six human prostate cell lines, 1542-NPTX, BPH-1, 1542-CP3TX, 1532-CP2TX, 1535-CP1TX and LNCaP. Except for LNCaP, these cell lines are new and were derived from primary prostate tumours and normal non-tumourigenic prostate tissue. Cell survival was assessed by clonogenic assay. DNA damage was determined in non-synchronised cells by constant-field gel electrophoresis, and expressed as the fraction of DNA released. For initial damage, cells were embedded in agarose and irradiated on ice with 0-100 Gy 60Co γ-irradiation. Residual DNA damage was measured after 2 h and 20 h of repair. Radiosensitivity, given as the mean inactivation dose, was found to vary between 1.62 and 2.77 Gy. We found that radiosensitivity significantly correlates with the 2 h DNA repair component, giving a correlation coefficient of 0.92 (P=0.009). In the cell lines examined here the 2 h repair component emerges as an indicator of radiosensitivity.
article, cell line, cell survival, DNA damage, DNA repair, gamma irradiation, gel electrophoresis, human, human cell, priority journal, prostate, prostate tumor, radiation dose, radiosensitivity, Cell Line, Tumor, Cell Survival, DNA, DNA Repair, Dose-Response Relationship, Radiation, Humans, Male, Prostate, Prostatic Hyperplasia, Prostatic Neoplasms, Radiation Tolerance
Urological Research