The effects of B-sitosterol (BSS) and B-sitosterol glucoside (BSSG) mixture on selected immune parameters of marathon runners: Inhibition of post marathon immune suppression and inflammation

Bouic P.J.D.
Clark A.
Lamprecht J.
Freestone M.
Pool E.J.
Liebenberg R.W.
Kotze D.
Van Jaarsveld P.P.
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A pilot study was undertaken to investigate the effects of the intake of capsules containing the plant sterols and sterolins (BSS:BSSG mixture) on selected immune parameters of volunteers participating in an ultra-marathon in Cape Town, South Africa. Those runners having received active capsules (n = 9) showed less neutrophilia, lymphopenia and leukocytosis when compared to their counterparts having received placebo capsules (n = 8): the placebo treated individuals showed significant increases in their total white blood cell numbers as well as in their neutrophils (p = 0.03 and 0.03 respectively). Furthermore, statistically significant increases within lymphocyte subsets were observed in the runners having received the active capsules: CD3+ cells increased (p = 0.02) as did CD4+ cells (p = 0.03). In parallel, the BSS:BSSG capsules decreased the plasma level of IL6 in the runners using the active capsules (p = 0.08) and significantly decreased the cortisol: DHEAs ratio (p = 0.03), suggesting that these volunteers had less of an inflammatory response and were less immune suppressed during the post-marathon recovery period. These findings justify further investigations into the use of the phytosterols to prevent the subtle immunosuppression associated with excessive physical stress.
cd3 antigen, cd4 antigen, hydrocortisone, interleukin 6, phytosterol, prasterone, sitogluside, sitosterol, adult, antiinflammatory activity, article, clinical trial, controlled clinical trial, controlled study, double blind procedure, female, human, human cell, human experiment, immune response, immunomodulation, immunosuppressive treatment, leukocyte count, leukocytosis, lymphocyte subpopulation, lymphocytopenia, male, marathon runner, neutrophilia, normal human, physical stress, randomized controlled trial, South Africa, statistical analysis, Adult, Blood Cell Count, Dietary Supplements, Exercise, Female, Humans, Immunosuppression, Inflammation, Leukocytosis, Lymphocyte Subsets, Lymphopenia, Male, Middle Aged, Neutrophils, Phytosterols, Sitosterols
International Journal of Sports Medicine