Comparison between swim-up and glass wool column filtration of human semen in a gamete intrafallopian transfer program

Sanchez Sarmiento C.A.
Coetzee K.
Kruger T.F.
Van Der Merwe J.P.
Stander F.S.H.
Henkel R.R.
Lombard C.J.
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This study compared swim-up and glass wool filtration in both pregnancy outcome and fertilization of excess oocytcs in patients undergoing gamete intrafallopian transfer. Gamete intrafallopian transfer patients were retrospectively included in the study group (n = 52). The criteria for inclusion were as follows: Semen had to have been prepared by means of glass wool filtration and at least 2 metaphase II oocytes had to have been transferred. Each patient from this group was then carefully matched with another patient according to specific criteria (number of metaphase II oocytes aspirated and transferred, normal sperm morphology, wife's age, the absence of anti-sperm antibodies, semen preparation by means of the swim-up procedure). Fourteen patients were matched with themselves (groups A1 and A2) and 38 patients were matched with another patient (groups B and C). The results indicate that there was no significant difference in the fertilization and pregnancy probabilities of sperm prepared by means of glass wool filtration or swim-up procedure. The comparative pregnancy rates for the groups were A1 (7.1%) versus A2 (7.1%) and B (28.9%) versus C (31.6%). Factors other than fertilization and pregnancy potential may have a greater influence on choosing the optimum sperm preparation procedure.
hyaluronic acid, article, controlled study, human, human cell, infertility, major clinical study, male, pregnancy rate, priority journal, Female, Filtration, Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer, Glass, Humans, Male, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Outcome, Retrospective Studies, Semen, Sperm Motility
Archives of Andrology