Does training assist medical laboratory scientists with better evaluation of sperm morphology?

Franken D.R.
Dada O.A.
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This study aimed to evaluate the quality of sperm morphology evaluation skills of 16 technologists who are responsible for semen analyses in their institution. The 1-day workshop was held at the Centre for Research in Reproductive Health in Sagamu, Nigeria. Participants were requested to complete a questionnaire that provided information regarding their experience and training as technologists in their institution. The workshop consisted of 4 sections, namely (i) pre-training test, (ii) lectures on morphometric characteristics and details of normal and abnormal sperm (iii) a laboratory-based hands-on, post training test and (iv) a consensus training session. The findings of the questionnaire indicated that none of the participants had any previous formal training and that all participants had very little knowledge about the morphological appearance of normal spermatozoa. These findings were supported by the results obtained during the pre-training session that showed a mean percentage difference of 24% between the reference and participant's values. These somewhat alarming results highlight the need for training facilities for technologists who work in the clinical diagnostic field of reproductive science.
article, continuing education, cytology, diagnosis, measurement and analysis, education, human, laboratory personnel, male, Nigeria, observer variation, organization and management, professional competence, spermatozoon, Education, Continuing, Humans, Laboratory Personnel, Laboratory Techniques and Procedures, Male, Nigeria, Observer Variation, Professional Competence, Spermatozoa
African journal of reproductive health