The status of Koedoe one year after changing to an online publication mode

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2008 represented the start of a new online era for Koedoe, which provided us with a number of challenges and opportunities. The challenges lay in developing an entirely new publication and information dissemination system containing a number of new processes. The opportunities however, allowed us to build on Koedoes' 50 year publication history. The main opportunity for Koedoe lies in using the open access publication route, where all our articles are freely available via the World Wide Web. Further, all back issues of the journal will be available as PDF downloads by March 2009, additional special interest sections were added (for example, essays and book reviews) and the marketing strategy was expanded to reach a wider audience.
CITATION: Foxcroft, L. C. 2009. The status of Koedoe one year after changing to an online publication mode. Koedoe, 51(1):a690, doi:10.4102/koedoe.v51i1.690.
The original publication is available at
Conservation biology -- Periodicals
Foxcroft, L. C. 2009. The status of Koedoe one year after changing to an online publication mode. Koedoe, 51(1):a690, doi:10.4102/koedoe.v51i1.690.