Pruning affects the development of correlative phenomena among lateral shoots in dormant two-year-old 'Royal Gala' apple branches

Cronje P.J.R.
Jacobs G.
Cook N.C.
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Two-year-old apple branches, ≈50 cm long, were selected from a commercial 'Royal Gala' orchard in the Ceres (Koue Bokkeveld) region of the Western Cape, South Africa [33°S, 945 m, 1500 Utah model chilling units (CU)]. In 2000, the branches received either cold storage at 5 to 7°C or natural chilling in the field. In 2001, the trial was repeated, but only with field chilling. The branches received five dormant pruning treatments: control (not pruned); pruning back to the fourth lateral shoot (heading) before or after chilling; and removal of the second and third lateral shoots (thinning) before or after chilling. After pruning and chilling, the branches were removed from the orchard or cold room every 2 weeks and forced in a growth chamber at 25°C. The rate of budburst (1/days to budburst) was determined for the terminal buds of the lateral shoots. Lateral shoots on the 2-year-old branches were categorized according to position: the most distal extension shoot, and all other laterals grouped. Removing distal tissue by pruning (heading more than thinning) enhanced the effect of chilling on the terminal buds on the lateral shoots and promoted budberst. Pruning was more effective before than after chilling. Pruning enhanced the growth potential of the terminal buds on proximal shoots on 2-year-old branches.
Cold storage, Plants (botany), Tissue, Field chilling, Pruning, Harvesting, Ceres, Malus, Malus sylvestris, Malus x domestica