Exploring the effects of job crafting on the engagement and burnout of South African primary school teachers during the coronavirus pandemic

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: Over time, the industrial and educational psychology literature has continuously shed light on the negative aspects of the teaching occupation in South Africa. Through these studies it has been found that teaching is a particularly stressful occupation. Teachers in South Africa regularly have to extend their occupational role to tackle issues that are beyond the scope of usual practice for primary school teachers. In some cases, these teachers need to address the healthcare, social and welfare needs of their students, amongst other issues. As with any organisation, the school environment represents an intricate balance of occupational stressors that, if not managed correctly, may cause strain and stress, as well as poor psychological health and well-being of employees. Researchers have found that, despite facing excessive job demands, some employees do not progress towards burnout. These employees have been shown to handle highly demanding and stressful working environments better than others. Instead of developing burnout, these employees are found to thrive in such challenging and taxing work environments. The employees who do not develop symptoms of burnout are said to instead experience a feeling of engagement with work, and have little to no intention to abscond from their occupation. The job demands-resources (JD-R) framework was used to guide this research in order to understand the well-being of teachers within South African primary schools during the Coronavirus pandemic. The overarching objective of this study was to establish a structural model and, through empirical testing, to test this proposed model. The proposed structural model is presented and tested within the context of recent literature to understand and rationalise how job demands; job resources and personal resources are related to engagement and burnout amongst South African primary school teachers. To evaluate the proposed hypothesis, an ex post facto correlational design was used. A total of 152 participants contributed to the quantitative data gathered for this study. Participants completed a self-reported electronic survey that was made of items from the 1) The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory, 2) the Utrecht work-engagement scale, 3) the Job demands-resources scale and 4) the Job-crafting sale. Overall, seven of the 12 hypothesised relationships were shown to be significant, with two of the non-significant relationships being related to the proposed moderating effects. In addition, hypotheses 11 and 12 were also found to be statistically insignificant. Hypothesis 11 concerned the moderating effect of job resources on the relationship between challenging demands and burnout, whereas hypothesis 12 examined the moderating effect of hindering job demands on the relationship between job resources and work engagement. Therefore, individuals involved in the school environment, including teachers, principals and school management, should be aware of the interacting effects of job demands and resources on burnout and engagement. In addition, these individuals should understand how job crafting can optimise job resources and decrease burnout, as proposed in this study. Using the results and practical implications of this study, these individuals can optimise the engagement levels of primary school teachers while decreasing burnout levels and thereby incur maximum benefits for the school environment as well as for the teacher. This research has been useful in providing insights into the antecedents of burnout and engagement amongst primary school teachers in South Africa, and the role that job crafting may play in these relationships, specifically during the Coronavirus pandemic. The research findings have far-reaching consequences for researchers, industrial psychologists and those involved in the school environment, such as teachers and principals. The findings provide insights into how teacher burnout can be managed.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Oor ‘n tydperk, het die industriële en opvoedkundige sielkunde se literatuur aanhoudend lig gewerp op die negatiewe aspekte van die onderwysberoep in Suid-Afrika. As gevolg van hierdie studies, is daar gevind dat onderwys ‘n buitengewone stresvolle beroep is. Onderwysers in Suid-Afrika moet gereeld hulle beroepsrol uitbrei om kwessies aan te pak wat buite die omvang van die gewone praktyk vir laerskoolonderwysers is. In sommige gevalle, moet onderwysers, onder andere, die gesondheidssorg, sosiale en welsyn behoeftes van hulle leerlinge aanspreek. Soos in enige organisasie, verteenwoordig die skoolomgewing ‘n ingewikkelde balans van beroepstressors wat, indien dit nie reg bestuur word nie, stres en spanning kan veroorsaak, sowel as swak sielkundige gesondheid en welstand van werknemers. Mense het gevind dat, ten spyte van buitensporige werkseise, sommige werknemers nie na uitbranding vorder nie. Hierdie werknemers het gewys dat hulle hoogs veeleisende en stresvolle werkomgewings, beter as ander kan hanteer. In plaas daarvan dat hulle simptome van uitbranding ontwikkel, word daar gevind dat hierdie werknemers floreer in sulke uitdagende en veeleisende omgewings. Daar word gesê dat die werknemers wat nie simptome van uitbranding ontwikkel nie, eerder 'n gevoel van betrokkenheid by die werk ervaar, en het min tot geen voorneme om van hul beroep te verlaat nie. Die werkvereistes-hulpbronne (JD-R) raamwerk is as ‘n riglyn gebruik vir hierdie navorsing ten einde die welstand van onderwysers in Suid-Afrikaanse primêre skole tydens die Coronavirus pandemie, te bepaal. Die omvattende doel van hierdie studie was om ‘n strukturele model te vestig en, deur empiriese toetsing, hierdie model te toets. Die voorgestelde strukturele model word aangebied en getoets in die konteks van onlangse literatuur om te verstaan en te rasionaliseer hoe werkseise, werkhulpbronne en persoonlike hulpbronne verband hou met betrokkenheid en uitbranding onder Suid-Afrikaanse laerskoolonderwysers. Om die voorgestelde hipotese te evalueer, is 'n ex post facto korrelasionele ontwerp gebruik. ‘n Totaal van 152 deelnemers het bygedra tot die kwantitatiewe data wat deur die studie ingesamel is. Deelnemers het ‘n self-gerapporteerde elektroniese opname voltooi wat bestaan het uit items van die 1) The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory, 2) the Utrecht work-engagement scale, 3) the Job demands-resources scale and 4) the Job-crafting sale. In die geheel is daar getoon dat sewe van die 12 hipotese verwantskappe betekenisvol is, met twee van die nie-beduidende verwantskappe wat verband hou met die voorgestelde modererende effekte. Daarbenewens is bevind dat hipoteses 11 en 12 ook statisties onbeduidend is. Hipotese 11 het betrekking op die modererende effek van werkshulpbronne op die verhouding tussen uitdagende eise en uitbranding, terwyl hipotese 12 die modererende effek van belemmering van werkseise op die verhouding tussen werkhulpbronne en werksbetrokkenheid ondersoek het. Daarom moet individue betrokke by die skoolomgewing, insluitend onderwysers, skoolhoofde en skoolbestuur, bewus wees van die interaksie-effekte van werkseise en hulpbronne op uitbranding en betrokkenheid. Daarbenewens behoort hierdie individue te verstaan hoe werkskepping werkhulpbronne kan optimaliseer en uitbranding kan verminder, soos in hierdie studie voorgestel is. Deur die resultate en praktiese implikasies van hierdie studie te gebruik, kan hierdie individue die betrokkenheidsvlakke van laerskoolonderwysers optimaliseer terwyl uitbrandingsvlakke verlaag word en daardeur maksimum voordele vir die skoolomgewing asook die onderwysers verkry. Hierdie navorsing was nuttig om insigte te verskaf oor die antesedente van uitbranding en betrokkenheid onder laerskoolonderwysers in Suid-Afrika, en die rol wat werkskepping in hierdie verhoudings kan speel, spesifiek tydens die Coronavirus-pandemie. Die navorsingsbevindinge het verreikende gevolge vir navorsers, bedryfsielkundiges en diegene wat by die skoolomgewing betrokke is, soos onderwysers en skoolhoofde. Die bevindinge verskaf insigte oor hoe onderwyseruitbranding bestuur kan word.
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Primary school teachers -- Job stress -- South Africa, Burn out (Psychology) -- South Africa, Work -- Psychological aspects -- South Africa, Teachers -- Job stress -- South Africa, UCTD