An investigation of magma mingling and potential magma mixing during the intrusion of mafic melts into metasediments undergoing partial melting in the Dalradian series of eastern Scotland

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In order to understand the evolution and differentiation of the Earth, the petrogenesis of chemically evolved intermediate to felsic rocks which are characteristic of Earth’s continental crust, is of fundamental importance. The generation of granitic melts by melting of source rock, and the segregation and upwards migration of these melts are main mechanisms driving the differentiation of the crust. The frequent exposure of granitoids in close relation with mafic rocks has led many studies to discuss the involvement of mantle derived mafic melts in the petrogenesis of granitic material. Processes of mingling and mixing of magmas from different sources are popular hypothesised mechanisms to explain chemical and isotopic variabilities of co-magmatic granitoids, often inferred to occur in mid- to lower crustal zones where mantle derived mafic magmas interact with crustal derived felsic melts. However, geological exposures of partial melting zones and granitic melt production in corelation with mafic intrusions with indicative textures for mingling and mixing processes are scarce and poorly constrained. A coastal section in north-east Scotland is interpreted to expose a crustal sequence of in situ anatexis, interspersed with numerous mingled intrusions varying from mafic to felsic in composition. The magmatic rocks along the coastal section of Inzie Head show a variety of field and textural evidence indicative of magma interaction processes, ranging from interconnected vein networks, pillow-like structures, enclaves and schlieren, to gradual changes in colour and grain sizes along contact domains. In order to investigate the potential of processes such as magma mingling and mixing in the petrogenesis of granitoids, this study presents a combination of different geo- analytical techniques: field and petrographic observations of the different rock types, whole rock and mineral chemistries, combined in situ U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopic analyses of zircon, as well as in-situ apatite and whole rock analyses of Sm- Nd and Rb-Sr isotopic signatures. Magma mixing models were formulated to investigate if additions of chosen end- members can account for the chemical and isotopic compositions observed in the hypothetical mixed rocks. Geochronological constrains suggest co-magmatic behaviour over a period of 30 myr coinciding with crustal anatexis of the metasedimentary sequence and the in situ derivation of leucosomes within the crustal domain. The intrusion of multiple mafic magma batches is suggested to have promoted crustal anatexis and maintained a partially molten state over a prolonged period in the crustal domain, promoting processes of magma interaction. The zircon Hf and apatite Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of the different rocks are characterized by a high degree of variability within the individual samples. The mixing models can account for the variable chemical and isotopic compositions of the different rocks. The study concluded that the first addition of dioritic magmas resulted in the elevation of the overall heat budget in the crustal sequence, whereby magma interaction was limited to diffusional processes along sharp contact domains. Succeeding intrusions of dioritic material into the crustal zone resulted in gradual contact domains and larger scale mixing processes shaping the exposed igneous rocks. It was furthermore concluded that mixing and hybridisation was more efficient where granitic material invaded the mafic intrusions, forming hybrid vein networks.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die petrogenese van chemies geëvolueerde intermediêre tot felsiese gesteentes wat kenmerkend is van die Aarde se kontinentale kors is van fundamentele belang om die evolusie en differensiasie van die Aarde te verstaan. Die generering van granitiese smeltings deur die smelting van 'n brongesteentes, en die segregasie en opwaartse migrasie van hierdie smelte is hoofmeganismes wat die differensiasie van die kors aandryf. Die gereelde blootstelling van granitoïede in noue verband met mafiese gesteentes het daartoe gelei dat baie studies die betrokkenheid van mantel-afgeleide mafiese smelte in die petrogenese van granitiese materiaal bespreek. Vermengingsprosesse van magmas van verskillende bronne is gewilde hipotetiese meganismes om chemiese en isotopiese veranderlikhede van ko-magmatiese granitoïede te verduidelik, wat dikwels afgelei word om in middel tot laer kors sones plaas te vind waar mantel-afgeleide mafiese magmas in wisselwerking tree met kors-afgeleide felsiese smelte. Geologiese blootstelling van gedeeltelike smeltsones en granitiese smeltproduksie in korrelasie met mafiese indringings met aanduidingsteksture vir vermenging en mengprosesse is egter skaars en swak beperk. 'n Kusgedeelte in noordoos-Skotland word geïnterpreteer om 'n korsvolgorde van in situ anateksis bloot te lê, wat afgewissel word met talle gemengde indringings wat wissel van mafiese tot felsiese samestelling. Die magmatiese gesteentes langs die kusgedeelte van Inzie Head toon 'n verskeidenheid veld- en tekstuurbewyse wat aanduidend is van magma-interaksieprosesse, wat wissel van onderling gekoppelde aarnetwerke, kussingagtige strukture, enklawes en schlieren, tot geleidelike veranderinge in kleur en korrelgroottes langs kontakdomeine. Om die potensiaal van magmavermenging en vermengingsprosesse in die petrogenese van granitoïede te ondersoek, bied hierdie studie 'n kombinasie van verskillende geo-analitiese tegnieke aan: veld- en petrografiese waarnemings van die verskillende gesteentes, heelgesteentes en minerale chemieë, gekombineer in situ U-Pb en Lu-Hf isotopiese ontledings van sirkoon, sowel as in situ apatiet en heelgesteentes ontledings van Sm-Nd en Rb-Sr isotopiese handtekeninge. Mengmodelle is geformuleer om te ondersoek of toevoegings van gekose eindlede die chemiese en isotopiese samestellings wat in die hipotetiese gemengde gesteentes waargeneem is, kan verantwoord. Geochronologiese beperkings dui op ko-magmatiese gedrag oor 'n tydperk van 30 miljoen jaar wat saamval met kors anateksis van die metasedimentêre volgorde en die in situ afleiding van leukosome binne die korsdomein. Daar word voorgestel dat die indringing van veelvuldige mafiese magma-groepe kors anateksis bevorder het en 'n gedeeltelik gesmelte toestand oor 'n lang tydperk in die korsdomein gehandhaaf het, wat prosesse van magma-interaksie bevorder het. Die sirkoon Hf en apatiet Sr en Nd isotopiese samestellings van die verskillende gesteentes word gekenmerk deur 'n hoë mate van variasie binne die individuele monsters. Die mengmodelle kan verantwoording doen vir die veranderlike chemiese en isotopiese samestellings wat waargeneem word. Die studie het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die eerste toevoeging van dioritiese magmas gelei het tot die verhoging van die algehele hittebegroting in die korsvolgorde, waardeur magma-interaksie beperk is tot diffusieprosesse langs skerp kontakdomeine. Opeenvolgende indringing van dioritiese materiaal in die kors sone het gelei tot geleidelike kontakdomeine en groterskaalse mengprosesse wat die blootgestelde stollingsgesteentes gevorm het. Daar is verder tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat vermenging en hybridisasie meer doeltreffend was waar granitiese materiaal die mafiese indringings binnegedring het en hibriede aarnetwerke gevorm het.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Granite -- Scotland, Mafic rocks, Granulite -- Scotland, Magmas -- Scotland, Diorite, Magma mixing models, Isotopic -- Composition, Rocks, UCTD