Performance characteristics of bitumen-emulsion stabilized mine-haul roads

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the past, mine haul roads were constructed based on local mining knowledge which often re- sulted in unpredictable road conditions and high vehicle- and road maintenance costs. It has be- come crucial to reduce both operating costs and road maintenance costs to remain profitable. Re- cently, a viable long term and cost-effective solution was introduced by incorporating of Bitumen Stabilized Material (BSM) on Mine Haul Road Structures. BSM incorporated into Pavement Structures have been proven to increase the life span of the road structure. Also, bitumen stabilization creates less moisture susceptible base layers which allows the given layer to be more durable under repeated loading. However, the durability of BSM tech- nology should also be taken into consideration and how it would benefit the mining industry. To create a more standardized implementation of bitumen stabilization in mine haul roads, this re- search aims to investigate correlations between the performance and material characterisation. Also, this research aims to provide insight into the expected bearing capacity of the bitumen sta- bilized base layer through various structural testing methods such as Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) and Dynamic- as well as Monotonic Triaxial testing. Preliminary ITS results suggest that the current mix design under consideration meets the mini- mum requirements of a BSM2 material classification for both base layers on Kansanshi and Ka- lumbila at an average residual bitumen content of 2.2 % and 1.3 % respectively. Further monotonic triaxial analysis on the Kansanshi base indicates that the mix design has a cohesion of 240 kPa with an accompanying friction angle of 41.8 º. These parameters are in line with BSM1 classifica- tion limits. However, further analysis is required on the retained cohesion classification limits. Dynamic triaxial tests performed on the Kansanshi base also yields the BSM Base Layer’s Resil- ient Modulus to be in the order of 2500 MPa. Permeability testing on both Kansanshi- and Kalumbila Trolley Ramp cores evaluates durability of the haul road surfacing, however, the implementation of the dust palliative layer does improve the water-resistance of the BSM Layer. Water is still able to penetrate through the palliative layer due to surface cracking and irregularities. Through the material composition analysis, the residual binder content for Kansanshi and Kalumbila is 2.2 % and 1.3 % respectively. Also, through grad- ing analysis on both Mines’ Trolley Ramp cores, excess fine material was observed between the 2.0 mm to 0.075 mm grading fraction. By making use of the performance- and material composition results the expected Mechanistic- Empirical (ME) pavement life design for both Kansanshi and Kalumbila Trolley Ramp cores is modelled. The pavement life model yields that the BSM Base Layers can withstand 50+ Million Equivalent Standard Axles (MESAs) under repeated loading. Also, the stress distribution between the Base layer and underlying Subbase structure indicates that both Kansanshi and Kalumbila have well-balanced pavement structures.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die verlede is mynafvoerpaaie gebou op grond van plaaslike kennis wat dikwels tot onvoorspel- bare padtoestande en hoë voertuig- en padinstandhoudingskoste gelei het. Weens ekonomiese beperkings het dit noodsaaklik geword om beide bedryfskoste en padinstandhoudingskoste te ver- minder. In onlangse jare is die inkorporering van bitumen gestabiliseerde materiaal op mynafvoer- padstrukture as 'n lewensvatbare langtermynkoste-effektiewe oplossing beskou. Bewyse is gelewer dat die inkorporeering van BSM materiaal in ‘n plaveisels struktuur die lew- ensduur van daardie struktuur verleng. Bitumen emulsie stabilisering skep ook 'n kroon laag wat minder water deurlaatbaar is, wat in ruil die laag meer duursaam onder herhaalde spannings kragte. Kan BSM-tegnologie mynafvoerpaaie bevoordeel? Om 'n meer gestandaardiseerde implementer- ing van bitumenstabilisering in mynafvoerpaaie te skep, het hierdie navorsing ten doel om korrelasies tussen die plaveisel duursaamheid en materiële karakterisering te ondersoek. Hierdie navorsing het ook ten doel om insig te gee in die verwagte dravermoë van die bitumen gestabi- liseerde kroon laag. Voorlopige resultate dui daarop dat die huidige mengsel ontwerp voldoen aan die klassifikasie vereistes van 'n BSM2 materiaal vir beide basis lae op Kansanshi en Kalumbila met gemiddelde residuele bitumen inhoude van 2.2 % en 1.3 % onderskeidelik. Verder is die skuifparameters vir die Kansanshi kroon laag bepaal as 240 kPa vir die kohesie en 41.8 º vir die wrywingshoek. Hierdie skuifsterkte-eienskappe stem ooreen met die standaard BSM1 skuifparameters. Verdere analise word egter vereis om die behoue kohesie te bepaal. Die dienamiese drie-assige toets wat op die Kansanshi kroon laag uitgevoer is, het bepaal dat die veerkragmodulus van die kroon laag in die orde van 2500 MPa is. Deurlaatbaarheidstoetsing op beide die Kansanshi- en Kalumbila-myn evalueer duursaamheid van die kroonlaag, maar die implementering van die stof palliatief laag is bewys om die weerstand van water in die BSM kroon laag te verbeter. Water kan steeds die palliatief laag indring deur op- pervlakkige krake en onreëlmatighede op die oppervlakte. Deur die materiaalsamestellingsanalise is die oorblywende bitumeninhoud vir Kansanshi en Kalumbila bepaal as 2.21% en 1.29% onderskeidelik. Verdere graderingsanalise op beide mynafvoerpaaie se oorblywende aggregaat, is 'n gebrek aan fyn materiaal waargeneem tussen die 2.0 mm tot 0.075 mm fraksie.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Mine haulage, Gate roads (Mining) -- Maintenance and repair, Composite materials, Pavements, Bituminous -- Design and construction, Pavements -- Overlays, UCTD