Public sector reform and complex adaptive systems : an analysis of the Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation model

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: This study examines a case-study in the practice of international development assistance that deviated from the traditional mechanistic approach to project management. The case-study, based in Liberia, used a Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) approach to project management in assisting the Liberian government to build its ICT reform capabilities. PDIA is a form of adaptive management, and an approach for operationalising a new model of building state capability that attempts to overcome the limits of historical methods. This study considers whether the PDIA approach showed sensitivity for and appreciation of complex adaptive systems theory and the insights it offers into the challenge of reforming state institutions in developing country contexts. The study finds that the PDIA project management approach deployed in the case-study conformed to many of the insights gleaned from complex adaptive systems theory. The approach was effective in assisting GOL to develop competencies and practices that are recommended by complexity theorists for building the ecologies of innovation necessary to operate and thrive in complex environments. The findings validate the effectiveness of the PDIA approach in this context. The study identifies innovations in the case-study’s manifestation of the PDIA approach that harness the benefits of complexity, and which may improve the practice of PDIA project management in similar contexts.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis behels ‘n gevallestudie in die praktyk van internasionale ontwikkelingshulp wat afgewyk het van die tradisionele meganistiese benadering tot projekbestuur. Die gevallestudie, gebaseer in Liberië het die Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) benadering gevolg om die Liberiese regering te help om Informasietegnologie kapasiteit te versterk. Die PDIA is poging tot aanpasbare bestuur. Dit is gemik op die operasionalisering van ‘n nuwe model van kapasiteitsbou in state te ontwikkel. Die tesis oorweeg dit of die PDIA benadering ‘n sensitiwiteit ten opsigte van en waardering vir ‘complex adaptive systems’ (CAS) teorie vertoon. Die tesis bevind dat die PDIA benadering tot projekbestuur in hierdie geval in baie gevalle konformeer met die perspektiewe wat deur CAS gebied word. Die benadering was effektief in die ondersteuning van die Liberiese regering om die vaardighede en praktyke te ontwikkel, wat deur CAS teoretici voorgestel word om ekologieë van innovasie te ontwikkel, wat nodig is in komplekse omstandighede. Die bevindinge valideer die effektiwiteit van die PDIA benadering. Die tesis identifiseer sekere innovasies in die gevallestudie wat toekomstige gebruik van die PDIA model kan verbeter.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Economic development -- Developing countries -- Liberia, Project management -- Developing countries -- Liberia, Public administration -- Liberia, Complexity, iterative project management, complex adaptive systems, Liberia, UCTD