A phenomenological investigation into the experiences of coloured women in organisational leadership in the Western Cape

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: The dearth of research concerning coloured women in leadership was the motivation for this study. Studies on women in leadership in South Africa, thus far, have focused mainly on Black African women or a racially diverse sample of women in organisational leadership. From this foundation, the study explored how coloured women in the Western Cape construct and make meaning of their experiences as organisational leaders. The study investigated this phenomenon by conducting interviews with eight coloured women from rural and urban areas in the Western Cape, with more than five years’ experience in corporate leadership. The interpretative phenomenological approach informed the data collection process and followed a three-interview sequence. The first interview focused on the demographics and leadership journey, the second on their leadership challenges, and the third on the coping strategies they apply in their work as corporate leaders. Data collected from their narratives were transcribed and analysed, resulting in five main themes. A history of colonialism and apartheid was one of the main drivers that influenced how the women make meaning of their leadership experiences. Being a member of an intermediate race placed between the White and Black African racial groups, coupled with the confusion around the word “coloured”, were unique challenges experienced by the women. The women saw these challenges as the “weaponisation of race” and that they have to fight for their space in the racial and gender hierarchy. The women described other challenges, similar to those reported in previous women of colour leadership studies, as the “battle of war”. They viewed their leadership journey as a moulding process, which stemmed from their upbringing and continued into their adult life. Moreover, to cope with leadership challenges, they believe it is crucial to have a conducive organisational environment and supportive relationships. Lastly, certain personal characteristics can facilitate the climb up the corporate ladder for coloured women.
AFRIKKANS OPSOMMING: Die gebrek aan navorsing rakende kleurling vroue in leierskap was die motivering vir hierdie studie. Studies oor vroue in leierskap in Suid-Afrika het tot dusver hoofsaaklik op Swart Afrika-vroue of 'n diverse rassesteekproef van vroue in organisatoriese leierskap gefokus. Vanuit hierdie oogpunt het die studie ondersoek hoe kleurling vroue in die Wes-Kaap sin maak van hul ervarings as organisatoriese leiers. Die studie het hierdie verskynsel ondersoek deur onderhoude met agt kleurling vroue uit landelike en stedelike gebiede in die Wes-Kaap te voer, wat meer as vyf jaar ondervinding in korporatiewe leierskap het. Die interpretatiewe fenomenologiese benadering het die data-insamelingsproses ingelig en drie onderhoude is met elke vrou gevoer. Die eerste onderhoud het gefokus op die demografie en leierskapsreis, die tweede op hul leierskapsuitdagings, en die derde op die hanteringstrategieë wat hulle in hul werk as korporatiewe leiers toepas. Data wat uit hul stories ingesamel is, is getranskribeer en ontleed, wat tot vyf hooftemas gelei het. 'n Geskiedenis van kolonialisme en apartheid was een van die hoofdrywers wat beïnvloed het hoe die vroue betekenis van hul leierskapservarings maak. Om 'n lid te wees van 'n intermediêre rassegroep wat tussen die Wit- en Swart Afrika-rassegroepe geplaas is, tesame met die verwarring rondom die woord "kleurling", was unieke uitdagings wat die vroue ervaar het. Die vroue het hierdie uitdagings gesien as die "rassewapens" en dat hulle moet veg vir hul spasie in die rasse- en geslagshiërargie. Die vroue het ander uitdagings, soortgelyk aan dié wat in vorige leierskapstudies oor vroue van kleur aangemeld is, as die “oorlogstryd” beskryf. Hulle het hul leierskapsreis as 'n vormingsproses beskou, wat uit hul opvoeding gespruit het en in hul volwasse lewe voortgegaan het. Verder, om leierskapsuitdagings die hoof te bied, glo hulle dit is van kardinale belang om 'n bevorderlike organisatoriese omgewing en ondersteunende verhoudings te hê. Laastens kan sekere persoonlike eienskappe die klim op die korporatiewe leer vir kleurling vroue fasiliteer.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
coloured women, corporate leadership, Western Cape, challenges, supportive environments, Phenomenological psychology -- Western Cape (South Africa), Colored people (South Africa), Leadership in women -- Western Cape (South Africa)