A systemic approach to the prevention and management of the causes of Hotel Environmental Sustainability Strategy Execution Failure (HESSEF)

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Our world is at risk due to unprecedented anthropogenic global warming leading to climate change. From pre-industrial period (1850-1900) to 2006-2015, global mean surface (land and ocean) temperature (GMST) and mean land surface air temperature (MSAT) respectively increased by 0.87°C and 1.53°C, leading to increasing occurrence of severe natural disasters. Hotels (184 thousand with 17 million hotel rooms in 2018) enable significant economic growth and social progress within international tourism, the third largest industry in the world. In 2018, this industry was worth USD 1.7 trillion, contributed 10.4 per cent to world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), cared for 1.4 billion tourists, and employed 319 million persons (one in ten jobs). Unfortunately, hotels also have negative environmental impacts and account for one to two per cent of the five per cent global carbon dioxide emitted by the tourism industry. Hotels hence contribute to the global warming and climate change. There is a need to curb hotels’ carbon dioxide emissions with appropriate strategies. However, properly formulated strategies do not guarantee effective execution. Strategy Execution (SE) is difficult to achieve and execution failure is possible. The execution of Hotel Environmental Sustainability Strategies (HESS) is not an exception. A Hotel Environmental Sustainability Strategy Execution (HESSE) paradigm shift and behaviour change, with subsequent habits of effectiveness are hence required. The aim of this study is to address the following research problem: “There is no model that can assist hotel practitioners (HP) and academics with a systemic approach to the prevention and management of the causes of Hotel Environmental Sustainability Strategy Execution Failure (HESSEF).” The primary objective of the study is the development of the Seven Habits of Effective HESSE (7HoE HESSE) model to address this problem. In support to the primary objective, a number of secondary objectives are pursued. First, the world sustainability challenges and initiatives are described. Second, the challenges of environmental sustainability within the context of hotel management are understood and opportunities for improvement are identified. Third, the challenges of HESSE are understood. Fourth, the escalation of HESSEF is analyzed and possible HESSE paradigm shift and behaviour change for systemic HESSE enhancement are studied. Fifth, the 7HoE HESSE model for HESSE systemic enhancement is conceptualized and operationalized. Sixth, the model is verified. Seventh, the model is validated through face to-face structured interview of HP and feedback used for the model improvement. The 7HoE HESSE model is described by HP as the way forward for sustainability as it provides a good approach towards sustainability. HP highly appreciated the model describing it as a great tool, highly suitable to the hospitality industry, interesting model, straight-forward, easy to understand and well structured with appropriate monitoring HESSE processes. HP expressed high willingness to experience the 7HoE HESSE model which properly summarizes and contextualizes their reality. They are willing to experience the model as they believe it will be very useful for favouring collaboration and commitment of all hotel stakeholders. They expressed the views that the model could ensure successful execution of sustainability projects in the hotel industry.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die planeet word bedreig deur ongekende vlakke van aardverwarming wat lei tot klimaatsverandering. Die gemiddelde Land en Oseaan temperature of the wel (GMST), sowel as gemiddelde Land en Atmosfeer temperatuur of te wel (MSAT) het onderskeidlik met 0.87 grade celcuis en 1.53 grade celcuis toegeneem sedert die pre-industrieële periode (1850- 1900). Klimaatsverandering gee aanleiding tot natuur rampe. Die hotel industrie het ‘n positiewe impak op ekonomies groei en sosiale ontwikkeling. Daar is tans nie minder as 184 duisend hotelle and 17 miljoen hotel kamers. Toerisme was pre-Covid die derde grootste industrie ter wêreld en was in 2018 USD 1.7 triljoen werd. Die industrie was verantwoordelik vir 10.4 persent van die wêreld se Bruto Nasionale Produk, en het werk verskaf aan 319 miljoen mense (een uit elke 10 werk geleenthede op aarde). Hotelle het ongelukkig ook ‘n baie negatiewe impak op die omgewing en is verantwoordelik vir tot 40 present van alle CO2 wat deur die toerisme bedryf geproduseer word. Dit is dus baie belangrik vir hotelle om strategieë. te onwikkel wat hierdie potensiele nagatiewe impak kan verlaag. Strategie Uitvoering (SU) in die algemeen is moeilik en mislukking is baie moontlik. Die uitvoer van ‘n Hotel Omgewings Volhoubaarheid Strategie (HOVS) is nie ‘n uitsondering nie. ‘n Paradigma skuif en gedragsverandering is dus noodsaaklik om effeftiewe HOVS Uitvoering (HOVSU) te verseker. Dit is dus verdermeer nodig om effektiewiteits gewoontes te kweek. Die oogmerk van hierdie studie is om die volgende navorsingsprobleem aan te spreek: “Daar bestaan tans geen model wat Hotel Operateurs (HO) en akademici kan bystaan om deur middel van ‘n systematiese benadering die oorsake van Hotel Omgewings Volhoubaarheid Strategie Uitvoerings Mislukking (HOVSUM) te verminder en te bestuur nie.” Die primêre doelwit van die studie is die ontwikkeling van ‘n gedragsveranderingsmodel wat sal aanleiding gee tot die kweek van Sewe HOVSU gewoontes (7HoE HESSE). In ondersteuning tot die primêre doelwit is ‘n aantal sekondêre doelwitte geformuleer. Eerstens is die aard en omvang van die planeet se volhoubaarheidsuitdagins en inisiatiewe beskyf. Tweendens is die omgewingsvolhoubaarheiduitdagings wat hotelle in die gesig staar beskryf. Derderds is die problematiek aangaande HOVSU ondersoek en beskryf. Vierdens is die verloop van HOVSUM en moontlikhede aangaande gedragsverandering en gewoonte vorming beskryf. Die vyde sekondêre doelwit was die formulering en operasionalisering van die 7HoE HESSE model. In die sesde plek is die model geverifieer en in die sewende plek is die model gevalideer tydens indiepte onderhoude met Hotel Operateurs en bestuurders sowel as industrie kundiges. Die terugvoer van beide operateurs en kundiges is besonder positief en die model word beskryf as ‘n eenvoudige en prakties implementeerbare instrument om die problematiek wat verband hou met die uitvoer van omgewingsvolhoubaarheid strategieë binne hotelle die hoof te bied.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Systemic Approach, UCTD, Environmental Sustainability, Strategy Execution, Environmental tourism, Green technology -- Hotels