Investigating household food security during Covid-19 pandemic in the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality with specific reference to the Freedom Park informal settlement

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : The achievement of universal access to food appears to be a global challenge, thereby jeopardising all efforts in meeting developmental goals implemented by countries. Nationally, South Africa is seen as food secure, however, at household and individual level food security is more problematic. Persistent poor socio-economic conditions are perceived as militating against food security. Covid-19 arrived at a time when South Africa was fighting food insecurity, especially in informal urban areas. The study was intended to examine the determinants of food insecurity of households in Freedom Park, an informal settlement in the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality during the Covid-19 pandemic. Data collection was conducted in the second week of April 2020 and finished in the first week of July 2020. However, lockdown regulations were taken into consideration and the researcher ensured adherence to the regulations by maintaining social distancing, wearing a mask, and sanitising properly before entering a household and after completion of the interview. The study utilised quantitative research methods and design. A convenience nonprobability sampling method was chosen to sample 114 households that were interviewed. A questionnaire was developed with sections such as household demographic characteristics, information on movement of households, and food security questions as developed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Additionally, two FANTA food security indicators developed by USAID were used to evaluate levels of food insecurity in the sampled households. The two indicators were Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) and Household Food Insecurity Access Prevalence (HFIAP). Data was captured using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and STATA. The data was analysed at univariate and bivariate levels of analysis, using descriptive statistics, chi-square, and P-values. Findings from the HFIAP indicator revealed that 66% of the households in Freedom Park were food insecure, and most of the households indicated moderately food insecure (34.7%) when compared with those that were mildly (28.8%) and severely (2.7%) affected. Only 34% of the sampled population was found to be food secure. The HFIAS score was between 2 and 27, with 16 being the median, showing greater vulnerability of households to food insecurity. The findings also identified that there was no statistical significance of the variables such as marital status, sex, income, population group, and employment on food security. Levels of education and social grants had a statistical significance of 0.00 with chi-square values of 43.7 and 23.2, respectively. The study recommends the implementation of urban agriculture through the establishment of food gardens, as all the households indicated that they were not involved in any form of food production, implying that all food for consumption was purchased from the market. This study has policy implications and suggests the intervention of government in maintenance and protection of food systems so that they do not collapse during periods of shock and uncertainty.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die bereiking van universele toegang tot voedsel blyk ’n globale uitdaging te wees en stel dus alle pogings in gevaar om die ontwikkelingsdoelwitte wat deur lande geïmplementeer is, te behaal. Nasionaal gesproke word Suid-Afrika as voedsel veilig beskou, maar op die vlak van die huishouding en die individu is voedselsekuriteit meer problematies. Aanhoudende swak sosioëkonomiese toestande word beskou as strydig teen die behaling van voedselsekuriteit. Covid-19 het in Suid-Afrika aangekom toe die land besig was om voedselonsekerheid teen te veg, veral in informele stedelike gebiede. Hierdie studie het die determinante van voedselonsekerheid in huishoudings in Freedom Park, ’n informele nedersetting in die Metropolitaanse Munisipaliteit van die Stad Johannesburg, tydens die Covid-19-pandemie ondersoek. Data-insameling het in die tweede week van April 2020 begin en was teen die eerste week van Julie 2020 klaar. Inperkingsmaatreëls is egter in ag geneem en die navorser het die nakoming van die regulasies verseker deur sosiale afstand te hou, ’n masker te dra en behoorlik te ontsmet voor ’n huis betree is, asook ná voltooiing van die onderhoud. Die studie het gebruik gemaak van ’n kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetode en -ontwerp. ’n Gerief-niewaarskynlikheidsteekproefneming is gebruik om 114 huishoudings vir onderhoude te kies. ’n Vraelys is gebruik met afdelings oor aspekte soos demografiese kenmerke van die huishouding, inligting oor die beweging van huishoudings, en vrae oor voedselsekuriteit, soos deur USAID (die United States Agency for International Development) ontwikkel is. Daarbenewens is twee FANTA- voedselsekuriteitsaanwysers wat deur USAID ontwikkel is, gebruik om die vlakke van voedselonsekerheid in die steekproefhuishoudings te evalueer. Die twee aanwysers was die Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) en die Household Food Insecurity Access Prevalence (HFIAP). Data is in ’n Microsoft Excel spreiblad en STATA vasgevang. Die data is op eenvariant- en bivariant-vlakke van analise geanaliseer met behulp van beskrywende statistiek, chi-kwadraat en P-waardes. Die bevindinge van die HFIAP-aanwyser het aangedui dat 66% van die huishoudings in Freedom Park voedsel onseker was en dat die meeste van die huishouding matig voedsel onseker was (34.7%) in vergelyking met dié wat net effe (28.8%) en ernstig (2.7%) geaffekteer is. Slegs 34% van die steekproefbevolking is gevind om voedselsekuriteit te ervaar. Die HFIAS-telling was tussen 2 en 27, met ’n mediaan van 16, wat groter kwesbaarheid van die huishoudings vir voedselonsekerheid toon. Die bevindinge het ook geïdentifiseer dat daar geen statistiese betekenisvolheid van die veranderlikes, soos huwelikstatus, geslag, inkomste, bevolkingsgroep en indiensneming, op voedselsekuriteit was nie. Vlakke van onderwys en maatskaplike toelaes het ’n statistiese betekenisvolheid van 0.00 gehad, met chi-kwadraat waardes van 43.7 en 23.2 onderskeidelik. Die aanbeveling van hierdie studie is dat stedelike landbou deur die vestiging van voedseltuine geïmplementeer moet word, aangesien al die huishoudings aangedui het dat hulle nie in enige vorm van voedselproduksie betrokke is nie, wat impliseer dat al hulle voedsel vir verbruik van die mark gekoop is. Hierdie studie het beleidsimplikasies en stel voor dat die regering moet ingryp in die instandhouding en beskerming van voedselstelsels sodat hulle nie in tye van skok en onsekerheid ineenstort nie.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Food security -- Johannesburg (South Africa). Metropolitan Council, Households -- Economic aspects -- Johannesburg (South Africa). Metropolitan Council, COVID-19 (Disease) -- Social aspects, COVID-19 (Disease) -- Economic aspects, Squatter settlements -- Economic aspects -- Johannesburg (South Africa). Metropolitan Council, UCTD