Exploring high school teachers’ experiences of teacher burnout

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : South African teachers are becoming more susceptible to burnout development as a result of the multitude of challenges they face. Unfortunately, many South African teachers who are suffering from burnout have limited platforms where they can share their experiences of teacher burnout and also have inadequate access to mental health support interventions. This has presented a unique opportunity to explore how teachers experience burnout and how they perceive the challenges that might contribute to burnout development. This research may shed some light on how mental health support interventions could be employed to prevent teacher burnout development. Although various studies have been undertaken to research teacher burnout internationally, it seems that there is limited research available regarding teacher burnout in the South African context. This research could thus contribute to the development of mental health support interventions aimed at South African teachers specifically. Against this background, the objective of the study was to analyse in-service high school teachers’ experiences of burnout as a result of the stressors and challenges they face. Furthermore, the study aimed to determine what interventions might be needed in future to support South African teachers’ mental health. The study was qualitative in nature. A bioecological theory framework was employed as the study was concerned with the relationships between various systems and how these may contribute to burnout development. An interpretive-constructivist paradigm was used to explore the participants’ subjective lived experiences of burnout and the challenges they may face. Teachers for this study were purposively and conveniently selected, and data were collected through an open-ended, online, qualitative questionnaire and online, semi-structured, individual interviews. The study was conducted in a public high school in Cape Town, Western Cape province. The data were analysed using thematic analysis. The research findings indicate that teachers’ experience of burnout is multifaceted. They experience exhaustion, cynicism and inefficacy to varying degrees, and burnout manifests itself emotionally, behaviourally and physically. Teachers also face several challenges that might contribute to burnout development, which include challenges within the school environment, wider contextual challenges as well as unforeseen challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. It emerged that teachers felt the weight of the expectations and demands placed on them, which could contribute to burnout development. Lastly, teachers proposed that various internal and external stakeholders could become involved in interventions that might support teachers’ mental health and prevent teacher burnout development. The study added to the growing body of literature relating to teacher burnout and emphasised the context-specific challenges that South African teachers are facing that might contribute to burnout development. Further studies that explore the impact of teacher burnout on teaching and learning in South Africa are recommended.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysers raak meer vatbaar vir uitbranding as gevolg van die menigte uitdagings wat hulle in die gesig staar. Ongelukkig het talle Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysers wat aan uitbranding ly beperkte platforms waar hulle hul ervarings van onderwyseruitbranding kan deel en boonop het hulle ook onvoldoende toegang tot geestesgesondheid ondersteuningsintervensies. Hierdie het ’n unieke geleentheid gebied om onderwysers se ervaring van uitbranding asook die uitdagings wat kan bydra tot die ontwikkeling van uitbranding te verken. Hierdie navorsing kan lig werp op hoe geestesgesondheid ondersteuningsintervensies aangewend kan word om die ontwikkeling van onderwyseruitbranding te voorkom. Alhoewel verskeie internasionale studies onderneem is om onderwyseruitbranding na te vors, blyk daar beperkte navorsing rakende onderwyseruitbranding in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks beskikbaar te wees. Hierdie navorsing kan dus bydra tot die ontwikkeling van geestesgesondheid ondersteuningsintervensies wat spesifiek op Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysers gemik is. Met inagname van die voorafgaande agtergrondinligting was die doel van die studie om indiensgenome hoërskoolonderwysers se ervarings van uitbranding as gevolg van die stressors en uitdagings wat hulle in die gesig staar, te analiseer. Verder het die studie ten doel gehad om te bepaal watter intervensies in die toekoms mag nodig wees om Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysers se geestesgesondheid te ondersteun. Die studie was kwalitatief van aard. ’n Bio-ekologiese teoretiese raamwerk is aangewend aangesien die studie bemoeid was met die verhoudings tussen verskeie sisteme en hoe dit kan bydra tot die ontwikkeling van uitbranding. ’n Interpretivisties-kontruktivistiese paradigma is gebruik om die deelnemers se subjektiewe belewings van uitbranding en die uitdagings wat hulle in die gesig mag staar, te verken. Onderwysers vir die studie is doelgerig en gerieflik geselekteer en data is deur middel van ’n oop-einde, aanlyn, kwalitatiewe vraelys en aanlyn, semi-gestruktureeerde, individuele onderhoude ingesamel. Die studie is in ’n publieke hoërskool in Kaapstad, Wes-Kaap provinsie, uitgevoer. Die data is deur middel van tematiese analise ontleed. Die navorsingsbevindinge dui aan dat onderwysers se ervaring van uitbranding veelvoudig is. Hulle ervaar uitputting, sinisme en ondoeltreffendheid tot verskeie mates en uitbranding manifesteer emosioneel, gedragsmatig en fisiek. Onderwysers staar ook verskeie uitdagings wat kan bydra tot die ontwikkeling van uitbranding in die gesig wat uitdagings binne die skoolomgewing, wyer kontekstuele uitdagings sowel as onvoorsiene uitdagings soos die KOVID-19-pandemie insluit. Dit het na vore gekom dat onderwysers die gewig van die verwagtinge en eise voel wat aan hulle gestel word wat moontlik kan aanleiding gee tot die ontwikkeling van uitbranding. Laastens het onderwysers voorgestel dat verskeie interne en eksterne belanghebbendes betrokke kan raak by intervensies wat onderwysers se geestesgesondheid ondersteun en wat die ontwikkeling van onderwyseruitbranding kan voorkom. Die studie het bygedra tot die groeiende literatuur rakende onderwyseruitbranding en het die konteks-spesifieke uitdagings wat Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysers in die gesig staar wat kan aanleiding gee tot die ontwikkeling van uitbranding beklemtoon. Verdere studies wat die impak van onderwyseruitbranding op onderrig en leer in Suid-Afrika verken, word aanbeveel.
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
High school teachers -- Psychological aspects -- South Africa, Work environment -- Psychological aspects -- South Africa, Burn out (Psychology) -- Treatment -- South Africa, UCTD