iLizwe lam (my world) : Xhosa-speaking parents’ experiences of caring for a child with autism spectrum disorder

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Although there has been an increase in research on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) globally, especially in Western communities, there is little evidence of research exploring African communities; more specifically, the Xhosa-speaking community. Even though the Xhosa-speaking community constitutes 31% of the Western Cape population, little to no research has explored the lives of the Xhosa-speaking community in the Western Cape. To gather insight into what is known and understood about ASD and how the community reacts to the manifestation of ASD, parents of children with ASD were selected for the study. The Xhosa-speaking parents were situated in Cape Town, and their children attended a school that caters for learners with ASD. Parents are the first persons to be confronted with the challenges of the course of ASD. The aim of the study was to explore the experiences of Xhosa-speaking parents caring for their children with ASD. The study focused on understanding how the parents conceptualised ASD, their daily experiences, their experience of the reactions of the community, and the support they received. The researcher attempted to mediate a focus group. Owing to limitations, an individual semi-structured interview, and a joint interview with two other participants were conducted. To facilitate discussion, the participants engaged in a ‘River of Life’ drawing. It was found that there was limited knowledge about ASD in the community, which led to misunderstandings, limited support from the community, isolation, and a possible delay in support. The parents expected limited support from the community. Even so, the parents showed resilience and independence from traditional African beliefs and were able to adapt. The study provides an account of three mothers, and their experiences of the livelihood of ASD, in the Xhosa-speaking community. To gain more insight into how to guide, educate, and support the parents and community, further research on a larger scale needs to be performed.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : daar wêreldwyd ʼn toename in navorsing oor outisme-spektrum versteuring (OSV) was, veral in Westerse gemeenskappe, is daar min getuienis van navorsing wat Afrika-gemeenskappe verken; meer spesifiek, die Xhosasprekende gemeenskap. Hoewel die Xhosasprekende gemeenskap 31% van die Wes-Kaapse bevolking uitmaak, het min tot geen navorsing die lewens van die Xhosasprekende gemeenskap in die Wes-Kaap verken. Om insig te verkry oor wat bekend is en verstaan word oor OSV en hoe die gemeenskap op die voorkoms van OSV reageer, is ouers van kinders met OSV vir die studie gekies. Die Xhosasperekende ouers was in Kaapstad gevestig, en hulle kinders het ʼn skool bygewoon wat na leerders met OSV omsien. Die ouers is die eerste persone wat met die uitdagings van die verloop van OSV gekonfronteer word. Die studie het gefokus op begrip van hoe ouers OSV konseptualiseer, hulle daaglikse ervarings, hulle ervaring van die reaksies van die gemeenskap, en die ondersteuning wat hulle ontvang het. Die navorser het probeer om ʼn fokusgroep te medieer. As gevolg van beperkings is ʼn individuele semi-gestruktureerde individuele onderhoud en ʼn gesamentlike onderhoud met twee ander deelnemers gevoer. Om bespreking te bevorder, het die deelnemers aan ʼn Rivier van die Lewe-tekening deelgeneem. Dit is bevind dat daar beperkte kennis oor OSV in die gemeenskap was, wat tot misverstande, beperkte ondersteuning van die gemeenskap, isolasie, en ʼn moontlike vertraging in ondersteuning gelei het. Die ouers het beperkte ondersteuning van die gemeenskap verwag. Nietemin het die ouers veerkragtigheid en onafhanklikheid van tradisionele Afrika-oortuigings getoon en was in staat om aan te pas. Die studie doen verslag oor drie ouers en hulle ervarings van die lewensbestaan van OSV in die Xhosasprekende gemeenskap. Om meer insig te verkry oor hoe om die ouers en die gemeenskap te lei, op te voed en te ondersteun, sal verdere navorsing van groter omvang gedoen moet word.
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Children with autism spectrum disorders -- Care -- Western Cape (South Africa), Children with autism spectrum disorders -- Social aspects -- Western Cape (South Africa), Xhosa (African people) -- Attitudes, UCTD