New effective interactions for the 0f1p shell

Richter W.A.
Van Der Merwe M.G.
Julies R.E.
Brown B.A.
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New two-body interactions are derived for nuclei in the lower part of the Of 1p shell by fitting semi-empirical potential forms and two-body matrix elements to 61 binding and excitation energy data in the mass range 41 to 49. The shell-model calculations assumed a 40Ca core and valence nucleons distributed over the full fp space. Care was taken to exclude intruder states from the selected data set. The r.m.s. deviations between fitted and experimental energies of 176 keV have been achieved by varying only 6 two-body parameters and 4 single-particle energies in the method utilizing a modified surface one-boson exchange potential (MSOBEP) form. In an alternative fit an r.m.s. deviation of 163 keV has been obtained by fitting 12 linear combinations of single-particle energies and two-body matrix elements, while constraining the remaining two-body matrix elements to values of a G-matrix interaction. The results are comparable in quality to recent similar fits in the 1sOd shell. The effects of a mass dependence of the two-body matrix elements are also investigated. An excellent reproduction of ground-state magnetic moments and quadrupole moments is obtained with the new interactions. © 1991.
Nuclear Physics, Section A