The use of linear programming in the optimal design of flotation circuits incorporating regrind mills

Reuter M.A.
Van Deventer J.S.J.
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Two linear models, the second being a subset of the first, are proposed for the simulation of flotation plants by use of linear programming. The first linear model produces the circuit structure, as well as the optimal flow rates of the valuable element between any number of flotation banks incorporating any number of recycle mills. An optimal grade for the valuable element in the concentrate is given by the second model. Operating conditions in the flotation banks and recycle mills are included as bounds in these models, permitting their possible application in expert systems. The simulated circuit structure, concentrate grade and recoveries closely resemble those of similar industrial flotation plants. The only data required by the simulation models are the feed rates of the species of an element, and their separation factors which are estimated from a multiparameter flotation model. © 1990.
Flotation, Mineral Processing, Modelling-Computer, Iron Ore Treatment - Flotation, Lead Ore Treatment - Flotation, Tin Ore Treatment - Flotation, Computer Applications, Froth Flotation, Linear Programming, Ore Treatment
International Journal of Mineral Processing