Investment challenges in the hotel industry in Kigali, Rwanda: Hotel managers' perspectives

Gatsinzi J.
Donaldson R.
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Developing countries today compete to attract foreign direct investment to their local hotel industry. Many have therefore already changed their policies on foreign investment in order to compete effectively. Recovering from the 1990s genocide, the Rwandan Government has created an environment conducive to investment, to attract both local and foreign investment finance. This paper discusses the tourism investment policy context in Rwanda. It describes a survey of Kigali hotel managers' perceptions and opinions on challenges for investment in the country's hotel industry. The survey found that the perceived weaknesses of investing in the hotel sector are closely related to problems faced by the Rwandan tourism sector in general, such as the perception that Rwanda is not a safe tourism destination, the lack of skilled labour in tourism services, the lack of finances in the form of loans to potential investors and the lack of adequate tourism infrastructure. © 2010 Development Bank of Southern Africa.
developing world, financial policy, foreign direct investment, perception, skilled labor, tourism market, tourist destination, Kigali, Rwanda
Development Southern Africa