A.C.A.C.I.A. (A Case Against Controlling Introduced Acacias) - 19 years later

Pieterse P.J.
Boucher C.
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In 1977, Stubbings presented a paper titled 'A.C.A.C.I.A. (A Case Against Controlling Introduced Acacias)' at the Second National Weeds Conference. The paper dealt with the merits of introducing biological control agents against introduced acacias, but concentrated mainly on Acacia mearnsii and the conflict of interest caused by the intended release of biological control agents against it. In the same year Luckhoff commented on the paper and challenged some of the statements made by Stubbings. In this paper the arguments of both Stubbings and Luckhoff are reviewed in the context of developments in this field since 1977. Points that are considered include classification of plants as weeds, luxurious water consumption by invaders, necessary actions to be executed before introducing biological control agents, effectiveness of seed-eating insects and integrated control including alternative control measures. Acacia mearnsii and A. saligna are used as case studies to illustrate some of the points made in the paper. Finally an attempt is made to propose some measures to be implemented that can possibly prevent time consuming confrontations when conflicts of interest arise.
Southern African Forestry Journal