Effects of propranolol on myocardial ultrastructure, mitochondrial function and high energy phosphates of isolated working rat hearts with coronary artery ligation

Edoute Y.
Sanan D.
Lochner A.
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The effects of coronary artery ligation on myocardial ultrastructure, high energy phosphate contents and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation were studied in the isolated, perfused working rat heart model. The changes in ultrastructure, mitochondrial function and high energy phosphate contents of the ischaemic tissue were characteristic of severe ischaemic damage, showing a good correlation between ultrastructural and functional changes. To determine whether these changes could be prevented, reduced or delayed by beta-blockade, propranolol (3 x 10-7 and 3 x 10-6 M) was added to the perfusate. In our model propranolol did not exert a protective effect on the ultrastructure, tissue high energy phosphate contents and mitochondrial oxidative function except for a significant increase in QO2 (State 3) with propranolol at a concentration of 3 x 10-7 M.
adenosine diphosphate, adenosine phosphate, adenosine triphosphate, propranolol, animal experiment, coronary artery, coronary artery obstruction, electron microscopy, heart, heart mitochondrion, heart muscle, heart muscle ischemia, heart muscle metabolism, in vitro study, isolated heart, mitochondrion, morphometrics, oxidative phosphorylation, rat, ultrastructure, Animal, Arteries, Coronary Disease, Coronary Vessels, Heart, In Vitro, Ligation, Male, Microscopy, Electron, Mitochondria, Heart, Myocardium, Oxidative Phosphorylation, Phosphates, Propranolol, Rats, Rats, Inbred Strains
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology