The dehydrogenation of 2-butanol in a Pd-Ag membrane reactor

Keuler J.N.
Lorenzen L.
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It the present work, the dehydrogenation of 2-butanol to methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) was investigated in a membrane reactor. The membrane reactor consisted of a Pd-Ag film (2.2μm thickness) deposited on the inside of an α-alumina tube and packed with a 14.4wt.% Cu on SiO2 catalyst. The performance of the membrane reactor, at temperatures from 190 to 240°C, was compared to that of a plug flow reactor. The effects of the 2-butanol feed flow rate and the sweep gas to feed molar ratio on 2-butanol conversion were investigated. The membrane reactor performed significantly better than the plug flow reactor in both the equilibrium and non-equilibrium restricted feed flow regimes. The 2-butanol conversion increased with an increase in the sweep gas flow rate, but decreased with an increase in the 2-butanol feed flow rate. At 240°C, conversions up to 93% were obtained with the membrane reactor as compared to 80% for the plug flow reactor. Selectivity towards MEK production was above 96% for all experiments conducted. Copyright © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V.
Alcohols, Alumina, Copper, Ketones, Palladium, Polymeric membranes, Silica, Silver, Plug flow reactor, Dehydrogenation, 2 butanone, palladium, silver, butanol, composite, dehydrogenation, gas-gas separation, inorganic membrane, article, catalyst, flow rate, membrane permeability, membrane reactor, membrane technology, priority journal, reaction analysis, technique, temperature
Journal of Membrane Science