Determination of anthocyanins in wine by direct injection liquid chromatography-diode array detection-mass spectrometry and classification of wines using discriminant analysis

De Villiers A.
Vanhoenacker G.
Majek P.
Sandra P.
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A rapid HPLC-diode array detection (DAD) method was developed for the routine analysis of 16 anthocyanins in wine. Direct injection of filtered wine samples followed by selective detection at 520 nm allowed quantitation of these compounds in red wines. The method was linear for malvidin-3-glucoside over the range 5-250 ppm, and the limit of detection for this compound was 0.18 ppm. A volatile mobile phase is used, which enables hyphenation to mass spectrometry (MS). With HPLC-MS, a total of 44 pigments could be identified in South African wines. Obtained mass spectra are discussed for a series of representative wine constituents and results are compared with literature references. An attempt was made to differentiate between different cultivars according to the anthocyanin content using stepwise forward linear discriminant analysis (LDA). © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Chromatographic analysis, Diodes, Flow of fluids, Food preservation, Liquid chromatography, Mass spectrometry, Anthocyanins, Diode array detection (DAD), Hyphenation, Linear discriminant analysis (LDA), Wine, anthocyanin, glucoside, malvidin 3 glucoside, unclassified drug, accuracy, article, discriminant analysis, food analysis, food composition, high performance liquid chromatography, liquid chromatography diode array detection, mass spectrometry, priority journal, red wine, Anthocyanins, Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid, Discriminant Analysis, Mass Spectrometry, Spectrophotometry, Ultraviolet, Wine
Journal of Chromatography A