Virgin queen mandibular gland signals of Apis mellifera capensis change with age and affect honeybee worker responses

Wossler T.C.
Jones G.E.
Allsopp M.H.
Hepburn R.
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The mandibular gland secretions of Apis mellifera capensis virgin queens were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. Changes in the patterns of the mandibular gland volatiles of A. m. capensis virgin queens were followed from emergence until 14-d old. Ontogenetic changes in the mandibular gland secretions were largely quantitative in nature, delineating the age categories (global R = 0.612, P = 0.001), except for 7- and 14-d-old queens, which cannot be separated on their mandibular gland profiles (P = 0.2). (E)-9-Oxodec-2-enoic acid (9ODA) contributes most and most consistently to the dissimilarity between groups as well as the similarity within groups. Worker reactions to introduced virgin queens of various ages were recorded. Workers showed a significant increase in hostile reactions as queens aged (r = 0.615, N = 20, P < 0.05). Consequently, worker reactions and relative 9ODA production exhibit a positive queen age-dependent response. © Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. 2006.
9 oxo 2 decenoic acid, 9-oxodec-2-enoic acid, decanoic acid derivative, pheromone, aging, behavioral response, honeybee, pheromone, secretion, animal, article, bee, chemistry, female, mass fragmentography, physiology, secretion, social behavior, submandibular gland, Animals, Bees, Decanoic Acids, Female, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, Pheromones, Social Behavior, Submandibular Gland, Apis mellifera
Journal of Chemical Ecology