Synthesis and characterisation of N-coordinated pentafluorophenyl gold(I) thiazole-derived complexes and an unusual self-assembly to form a tetrameric gold(I) complex

Cronje S.
Raubenheimer H.G.
Spies H.S.C.
Esterhuysen C.
Schmidbaur H.
Schier A.
Kruger G.J.
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Treatment of [Au(C6F5)(SC4H8)] (1) (SC4H8 = tetrahydrothiophene or tht) with HC=NC(CH3)=C(H)S, CH3SC=NC(CH3)=C(H)S, (I) or piperidine yields the neutral mononuclear imine complexes [Au(C6F5)-{N=C(H)SC(H)=CCH3}] (2) and [Au(C6F5){N=C(SCH3)SC(H)=CCH3}] (3), or the amine complex [Au(C6F5){N(H)CH2(CH2)3CH 2}] (4). The reaction of 1 with S=CN(H)C(CH3)=C(H)S, (II) affords the thione complex [Au(C6F5){S=CN(H)C(CH3)=C(H)S}] (5), which, in CH2Cl2 via spontaneous intermolecular deprotonation of the thione ligand, self-assembles to an unique tetramer of Au(I), [Au{S=CNC(CH3)=C(H)S}]4 (6) containing a folded rectangle of Au-atoms with aurophlilic interactions [av. Au ⋯ Au distance, 3.02(4) Å and av. Au-Au-Au angle, 87(2)°]. N-coordination of the imine complexes has been confirmed by 15N NMR and the crystal structure determination of 2 which exhibits the expected linear N-coordination and intermolecular Au ⋯ Au [3.345(1) Å] contacts. The crystal structure of 5 shows thione S-coordination of II to the central Au atom.
Amines, Complexation, Coordination reactions, Crystal structure, Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Self assembly, Synthesis (chemical), Aurophilic interactions, Imine, Intermolecular deprotonation, Pentafluorophenyl gold thiazole, Piperidine, Tetrahydrothiophene, Thione, Gold compounds
Dalton Transactions