Contested Land: A case study of land reform on the municipal commonage in Loeriesfontein, Northern Cape Province

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis focuses on the competing claims to and interests in the municipal commonages of a small town called Loeriesfontein in the semi-arid Karoo region of the Northern Cape Province. The primary aim is to trace the relational dynamics among the organisations and actors that are involved and see how these dynamics are impacting on the potential of the commonage as a valuable resource for local households. Several studies have identified municipal commonages as playing an important but neglected role in land reform. In Loeriesfontein, however, the municipal commonage has become a site of overlapping and competing rights which threaten this potential. This is because two land reform programmes have both targeted the land, namely, the municipal commonage programme and the land restitution programme. This has led to conflicts and mistrust among three land-user organisations representing 1) small-scale farmers leasing the land from the municipality since the early 1990s (the LOBV), 2) ‘backyard’ farmers interested in accessing the land (the LOVV) and 3) land claimants represented by the Loeriesfontein CPA which was granted title to some of the commonage in 2017. A lack of clarity about the status of the land and the responsibilities of various government bodies at national, provincial and local level have added to the tensions and undermined the potential of the municipal commonages to contribute to local livelihoods. The thesis unpacks the history of the land and the organisational dynamics around it as a contribution towards addressing these problems. The conceptual framework used to navigate these issues draws on political ecology as well as understandings of sustainable development and sustainable livelihoods that emphasise the importance of social justice, respecting environmental limits and meeting human needs. The research methodology was qualitative, making use of documentary analysis, archival research, semi-structured interviews and observation. Key findings are that the competing land policies and their ineffective implementation have constrained the potential of the municipal commonages as a resource. As of late 2019 there were no mechanisms in place to untangle the competing interests in the land and resolve the conflict between current land users and land claimants. Resolving these problems is urgent but will prove challenging and will require investment of time and resources by the relevant authorities. In addition to this, the commonage is a finite natural resource that cannot sustain all the land users and claimants with an interest in it; alternative land but also alternative livelihood options are thus urgently needed to promote sustainable development in Loeriesfontein. In conclusion, this case study raises important issues for land reform in terms of both policy development and implementation. Careful consideration of the context and needs and wants of the community in question is essential. Also important is to look at land reform more holistically, to avoid the clashes among its various sub-programmes found in the case of Loeriesfontein.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis fokus op die mededingende aansprake op en belange in die munisipale meentgrond van 'n klein dorpie met die naam Loeriesfontein in die dorre Karoo-streek in die Noord-Kaap. Die primêre doel is om die verhoudings dinamika onder die betrokke organisasies en akteurs op te spoor en te sien hoe hierdie dinamika die potensiaal van die meentgrond beïnvloed as 'n waardevolle bron vir plaaslike huishoudings. Verskeie studies het munisipale meentgrond as 'n belangrike, maar verwaarloosde rol in grondhervorming geïdentifiseer. In Loeriesfontein het die munisipale meentgrond egter 'n terrein van oorvleuelende en mededingende regte geword wat hierdie potensiaal bedreig. Dit is as gevolg van twee grondhervormings programme wat albei op die grond gerig is, naamlik die munisipale meentprogram en die grondherstel program. Dit het gelei tot konflik en wantroue tussen drie grondgebruikers organisasies wat 1) kleinboere verteenwoordig wat die grond sedert die vroeë 1990s van die munisipaliteit verhuur het (die LOBV), 2) 'agterplaasboere' wat belang stel in die land (die LOVV) en 3) grondeisers verteenwoordig deur die Loeriesfontein CPA wat in 2017titel aan 'n groot deel van die meentgrond gekry het. 'n Gebrek aan duidelikheid oor die status van die land en die verantwoordelikhede van verskillende regeringsinstansies op nasionale, provinsiale en plaaslike vlak het die spanning bygedra en die potensiaal van die munisipale meentgrond om tot plaaslike lewensbestaanby te dra, ondermyn. Die tesis pak die geskiedenis van die land en die organisatoriese dinamika rondom dit saam as 'n bydrae tot die aanspreek van hierdie probleme.Die konseptuele raamwerk wat gebruik word om hierdie kwessies aan te spreek, berus op politieke ekologie, sowel as begrip van volhoubare ontwikkeling en volhoubare lewensonderhoud wat die belangrikheid van sosiale geregtigheid, die respek vir omgewingsperke en die bevrediging van menslike behoeftes beklemtoon. Die navorsingsmetodologie was kwalitatief en het gebruik gemaak van dokumentêre analise, argiefnavorsing, semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en waarneming. Belangrike bevindings is dat die mededingende grondbeleid en die oneffektiewe implementering daarvan die potensiaal van munisipale meentgrond as 'n bron beperk het. Aan die einde van 2019 was daar geen meganismes om die mededingende belange in die land te ontrafel en die konflik tussen huidige grondgebruikers en grondeisers op te los nie. Die oplossing van hierdie probleme is dringend, maar dit sal 'n uitdaging wees en dit sal tyd en hulpbronne deur die betrokke owerhede verg. Daarbenewens is die meentgrond 'n hulpbron wat uitgeput kan word en nie al die grondgebruikers en eisers met 'n belang daarin kan onderhou nie; alternatiewe grond, maar ook alternatiewe lewensonderhoud is dus dringend nodig om volhoubare ontwikkeling in Loeriesfontein te bevorder. Ten slotte bring hierdie gevallestudie belangrike kwessies vir grondhervorming in terme van beleidsontwikkeling en implementering. Noukeurige inagneming van die konteks en behoeftes en begeertes van die betrokke gemeenskap is noodsaaklik. Dit is ook belangrik om meer holisties na grondhervorming te kyk om die botsings tussen die verskillende subprogramme in die geval van Loeriesfontein te voorkom.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Land reform -- South Africa -- Loeriesfontein -- Case studies, Commons -- South Africa -- Loeriesfontein -- Case studies, Land tenure -- South Africa -- Loeriesfontein -- Case studies, Territorial boundary disputes -- South Africa -- Loeriesfontein -- Case study, UCTD