Do communities really have a say? The implementation of public participation in the liquor regulatory process: A case study of uMgungundlovu District

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : This study was motivated by the researcher’s interest in the implementation of the new liquor policy in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, with specific regard to the public value and meaningfulness of the public participation processes of the policy from a citizenry perspective. One of the key features of the new liquor policy is the inclusion of public participation in the liquor regulatory processes. The study was conducted to assess the implementation of the public participation processes and the meaningfulness of the processes for those affected by the policy, namely the citizens, with an aim to formulate recommendations for the implementing entity of the liquor policy. In conducting the literature review, the 7C protocol was specifically instrumental in providing a framework to assess the implementation of the policy. Emphasis was also placed on current public participation models to determine the meaningfulness of the public participation arrangements. The study followed a qualitative research design based on the uMgungundlovu District in KwaZulu-Natal as a case study, using semi-structured interviews and focus group interviews with the implementers of the public participation process and the public as participants in the process. A documentary analysis was utilised to support the data collected. The four research questions delved into what problem was being addressed through the introduction of public participation in the liquor policy, how public participation is being implemented, as well as the experiences and challenges of the beneficiaries and implementers of the policy with regard to the public participation processes. The study found that, while the content of the policy substantively provides for public participation, the implementation thereof leaves much room for improvement. In its current state, public participation is being implemented on a basic level and appears to be more symbolic, or is used to comply with the regulatory process rather being an opportunity for a collaborative relationship between the policy implementers and the citizens. In the context of the regulation of liquor, where the economic benefit has to be balanced against the effect on society and conflicting citizen expectations may exist, meaningful public participation plays a significant role in gaining citizens’ trust and tolerance of government agencies’ decisions. Recommendations are made to improve communication and co-ordination within the public participation process as the implementing agency does have control over these variables which would have a direct influence on the improving public value and objective of the inclusion of public participation in the liquor policy.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Hierdie studie is gemotiveer deur die navorser se belangstelling in die implementering van die nuwe drankbeleid in KwaZulu-Natal, veral met betrekking tot die publieke waarde en betekenisvolheid van die publikasieprosesse van die beleid vanuit die perspektief van die burgery. Een van die belangrikste kenmerke van die nuwe drankbeleid is die insluiting van openbare deelname in die drankreguleringsprosesse. Die studie is onderneem om die implementering van die openbare deelnameprosesse te assesseer, asook die betekenisvolheid van die prosesse vir die mense wat deur die beleid geaffekteer word, naamlik die burgers, met die doel om aanbevelings te formuleer vir die entiteit wat die drankbeleid implementeer. In die literatuuroorsig was Brynard (1995) se 5C-protokol veral instrumenteel in die verskaffing van ’n raamwerk om die implementering van die beleid te assesseer. Klem is ook geplaas op die huidige openbare deelnamemodelle om die betekenisvolheid van die openbare deelnamereëlings te bepaal. Die studie het gebruik gemaak van ’n kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp gebaseer op die uMgungundlovu Distrik in KwaZulu-Natal as gevallestudie, en semi-gestruktureerde vraelyste en fokusgroeponderhoude is gebruik met die implementeerders van die openbare deelnameproses en lede van die publiek as deelnemers in die proses. ’n Dokumentanalise is gebruik om die data wat versamel is, te ondersteun. Die vier navorsingsvrae het ondersoek ingestel na watter probleem aangespreek is deur die ingebruikneming van openbare deelname in die drankbeleid, hoe openbare deelname geïmplementeer word, asook die ervarings en uitdagings wat deur die begunstigdes en implementeerders van die beleid ervaar is met betrekking tot die openbare deelnameprosesse. Die studie het bevind dat hoewel die inhoud van die beleid substantief voorsiening maak vir openbare deelname, die implementering daarvan tekort skiet. Tans word openbare deelname op ’n basiese vlak geïmplementeer en blyk dit eerder simbolies te wees, of dit word gebruik om aan die reguleringsproses te voldoen eerder dat dit ’n geleentheid verskaf vir ’n samewerkende verhouding tussen die beleidsimplementeerders en die burgery. In die konteks van die regulering van drank, waar die ekonomiese voordeel met die effek op die samelewing gebalanseer moet word en waar daar teenstrydige verwagtinge onder burgers mag bestaan, speel betekenisvolle openbare deelname ’n belangrike rol in die verkryging van burgers se vertroue asook hulle verdraagsaamheid van die besluite van regeringsagentskappe. Aanbevelings word gemaak om sekere van die veranderlikes binne die openbare deelnameproses waaroor die implementeringsagentskap beheer het, te verbeter, veral dié wat ’n direkte invloed op die verbetering van ander veranderlikes sou hê. Dít sal die openbare waarde en doelwit van die insluiting van openbare deelname in die drankbeleid verbeter.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Liquor laws -- Citizen participation -- uMgungundlovu District Municipality (South Africa), Alcohol -- Law and legislation -- Citizen participation -- uMgungundlovu District Municipality (South Africa), UCTD