Evaluating the existing residential solid waste management system and its environmental impact in low income areas : the case of the Olievenhoutbosch Township, City of Tshwane

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Solid Waste (RSW) management is an environmental problem in low income areas such as the Olievenhoutbosch township. Growing population, improved economic growth and urbanization have caused over-consumption of materials which eventually is the source of large amounts of waste landing in the environment. Existing systems are under pressure as they are inadequate to deal with the increasing quantities. This then leads to inadequate collection rates and ineffective disposal approaches (such as illegal dumping, open burning and open dumping) which eventually contributes to environmental problems such as water and soil pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and plastics build-ups on land, in rivers and in oceans. The aim of this study was to evaluate the existing RSW management system in the Olievenhoutbosch Township which is located in the City of Tshwane’s Metropolitan Municipality (CTMM). The specific focus was mainly on the collection and disposal methods impacting on the environment, and with the extended goal of improving the sustainability of the management system. The study utilized both primary and secondary data to explore the current RSW situation. This included desktop study, visual observations and interviews with CTMM waste officers. The collected data was then stored in Microsoft Excel 2010. Analysis of these data revealed that municipalities are indeed under pressure due to increasing RSW volumes caused by the increasing number of people moving into the townships, growing backyard dwellers in existing yards and increasing informal settlement dwellers. The municipality indicated that collection services provided for formal dwellers are sufficient and informal dwellers are currently not served. Transportation concerns involved difficulty in accessing some areas in the township and long distances from collection points (household yards) to CTMM landfill sites. RSW minimization is absent, collection of recyclables is only through informal waste pickers, meaning that all RSW collected ends up in landfill sites. Additionally, the study found that the municipality is focusing mainly on ensuring that RSW is collected from households. RSW minimization initiatives are overlooked due to a lack of budgets, capacity and infrastructure. Based on the findings, recommendations have been made.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : vaste afvalbestuur (RSW) is 'n omgewingsprobleem in lae-inkomstegebiede soos die Olievenhoutbosch-township in die Stad Tshwane se Metropolitaanse Munisipaliteit (CTMM). Toenemende bevolking, verbeterde ekonomiese groei en verstedeliking het oorverbruik van materiale veroorsaak, wat uiteindelik die bron is van groot hoeveelhede afval wat in die omgewing beland. Bestaande stelsels is onder druk omdat hulle nie gerat is om die toenemende hoeveelhede die hoof te bied nie. Dit lei dan tot onvoldoende invordering en ondoeltreffende opruimingsbenaderings (soos onwettige storting, oop verbranding en oop storting) wat uiteindelik tot omgewingsprobleme soos water- en grondbesoedeling, kweekhuisgasvrystellings en die opbou van plastiek op land, in riviere en in oseane, bydra. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die bestaande RSW-bestuurstelsel in die Olievenhoutbosch-township, te evalueer. Die spesifieke fokus was hoofsaaklik op die versamelings- en oprumingsmetodes wat die omgewing raak, en met die uitgebreide doel om die volhoubaarheid van die bestuurstelsel te verbeter. Die studie het primêre en sekondêre data gebruik om die huidige situasie ten opsigte van RSW te ondersoek. Dit het lessenaarstudie, visuele waarnemings en onderhoude met CTMM-afvalbeamptes ingesluit. Die versamelde data is vervolgens in Microsoft Excel 2010 gestoor. ’n Ontleding van hierdie data het getoon dat munisipaliteite inderdaad onder druk verkeer as gevolg van toenemende RSW-volumes wat veroorsaak word deur die groeiende aantal mense wat na die townships trek, meer en meer agterplaasbewoners op bestaande erwe en die vermeerdering van informele nedersettings. Die munisipaliteit het aangedui dat opruimingsdienste wat aan formele inwoners verskaf word, voldoende is en dat informele inwoners tans nie bedien word nie. Vervoerprobleme word ondervind om toegang tot sekere gebiede in die dorp te verkry en die lang afstande vanaf versamelpunte (huise) tot stortingsterreine van die CTMM bemoeilik die situasie. RSW-bestaan nie, en herwinning vind alleenlik plaas deur informele operateurs, wat daarop neerkom dat alle RSW wat bymekaar gemaak word, op stortingsterreine beland. Die studie het ook bevind dat die munisipaliteit hoofsaaklik daarop gerig is om te verseker dat RSW by huishoudings afgehaal word. Inisiatiewe wat betref die minimalisering van RSW, word oor die hoof gesien as gevolg van gebrekkige begrotings, kapasiteit en infrastruktuur. Aanbevelings is gedoen op grond van dié bevindings.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Refuse and refuse disposal -- Environmental aspects -- Olievenhoutbosch Township -- Centurion (South Africa), Refuse and refuse disposal -- Environmental aspects -- City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality (South Africa), Squatter settlements -- Waste disposal -- Centurion (South Africa), UCTD