Biodiversity of wetlands and its implications for pondscape conservation

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Wetlands are socioeconomically important, providing valuable goods and services, and supporting high levels of biodiversity, making them a top conservation priority. KwaZulu-Natal agroforestry plantations have large ecological networks of remnant land, rich in wetlands and ponds, having similar biodiversity value to protected areas. It is important that we continue to make wetlands a priority by developing efficient conservation and land management techniques. More knowledge is required to make recommendations not only to protect water sources but also freshwater biodiversity. Biological surrogates are useful in conservation planning. However, they need to be easy and costeffective to sample, show high sensitivity to anthropogenic change, and ideally have similar assemblage patterns to other taxa. Chapter 2 tested aquatic taxa (dragonflies, aquatic beetles and bugs, frogs, and aquatic vegetation) as potential surrogates for wetland-associated communities but found no significant cross-taxon congruence to suggest a single taxon as an indicator. Cross taxon congruence is often due to shared response to environmental gradients, but there were too few similar responses to indicate congruence. The umbrella index was evaluated for wetland conservation, and was successfully applied here, maximising site prioritisation by focusing on both rare and cooccurring umbrella species. Three different taxa were tested with the umbrella index, and although cross-group surrogates showed high co-occurrence, poor cross-taxon correlations show that surrogate species should only be used to represent their own groups. Thus, a multi-taxon approach is required for effective conservation management of wetland sites. Wetlands have margins that are transitional areas (ecotones) between aquatic and terrestrial environments composed of zones, and where communities overlap. However, little is known about the assemblage patterns of taxa across these ecotones. The manner in which taxa utilise the ecotone has important implications for conservation management. Chapter 3 showed that dragonflies were distributed across the entire ecotone, peaking in the marsh zones where marginal vegetation is optimal for life history functions. Butterflies peaked in the grassland zone, but had marsh-associated species, while grasshoppers had high fidelity with dry grassland. Within each site, species generally moved freely across the zones, demonstrating little species turnover between zones. However, high species turnover occurred among the sites, which has implications at the pondscape (multiple ponds) level. Pondscapes are networks of smaller ponds or wetland patches, including the terrestrial matrix. Individual ponds are highly heterogeneous due to local fluctuations, and thus pondscapes have higher conservation value. Chapter 2 showed that at least twenty ponds should be conserved to adequately conserve most taxa in a pondscape, indicating the general size of a pondscape. Chapter 3 found that pond ecotones have high species turnover, with each pond supporting a different set of species, and the pondscape supporting a much larger set of species than individual ponds. Terrestrial species responded to water conditions even though they were in the dryland, indicating that ponds have a much larger footprint that just the extent of the water, making terrestrial buffer zones a requirement for the efficient protection of wetland biodiversity. Pondscapes have high conservation priority, and their conservation must include the transition zones and linkages between ponds.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vleilande is sosio-ekonomies belangrik, lewer verskeie waardevolle goedere en dienste, en ondersteun hoë vlakke van biodiversiteit, wat maak dat hulle ‘n topprioriteit vir bewaring is. Die agrobosbou-aanplantings in KwaZulu-Natal het groot ekologiese netwerke van oorblywende lande wat ryk aan vleilande en damme is, en wat dieselfde biodiversiteitswaarde het as beskermde gebiede. Dit is belangrik dat ons voortgaan om vleilande 'n prioriteit te maak, deur doeltreffende tegnieke vir bewaring en grondbestuur te ontwikkel. Meer kennis is nodig om beter aanbevelings te maak om waterbronne en varswater biodiversiteit te bewaar. Biologiese surrogate is nuttig in bewaringsbeplanning. Alhoewel, hulle moet maklik en kostedoeltreffend wees om te vind, hoë sensitiwiteit wys teen menslike veranderinge, en ideaal gesproke soortgelyke samestellingspatrone hê as ander taksa. Hoofstuf 2 het akwatiese taksa (naaldekokers, akwatiese kewers en goggas, paddas en waterplantegroei) getoets as potensiële surrogate vir vleilandgeassosieerde gemenskappe, maar het geen beduidende kruistakson kongruensie gevind om 'n enkele takson as 'n aanwyser aan te dui nie. Kruistakson kongruensie is dikwels die gevolg van ‘n gedeelde reaksie teen ‘n omgewingsgradiënte, maar daar was te min soortgelyke reaksies hier om kongruensie aan te dui. Die sambreelindeks was vir die bewaring van vleilande geëvalueer, en was suksesvol hier toegepas, wat die prioritisering van gebiede maksimeer, deur op skaars en saamkomende sambreel spesies te fokus. Drie verskillende taksas is met die sambreelindeks getoets, en alhoewel surrogate tussen groepe hoë mede-voorkoms getoon het, was daar swak korrelasies tussen takse wat toon dat surrogaate slegs gebruik moet word om hul eie groepe voor te stel. Dus is dit nodig om ‘n multi-takson benadering te gebruik vir effektiewe bewaringsbestuur van vleilande. Vleilande het kante wat oorgangsgebiede (ekotone) is tussen water- en landomgewings, en betstaan uit sones waar gemeenskappe oorvleuel. Daar is egter min bekend oor die samestellingspatrone van taksa oor hierdie ekotone. Die manier hoe taksas die ekotone gebruik het belangrike implikasies vir bewaringsbestuur. Hoofstuk 3 het getoon dat naaldekokers oor die hele ekotoon versprei is, met ‘n piek in die moerasgebiede waar marginale plantegroei optimaal is vir naaldekoker lewens funksies. Skoenlappers het 'n hoogtepunt bereik in die grasveldsone, maar daar was skoenlappers wat verband was met die moerasgebied, terwyl sprinkane ‘n hoë getrouheid aan droë grasveld getoon het. Binne elke gebied het spesies, oor die algemeen, vrylik oor die sones beweeg, wat lae spesie-omset tussen sones toon. Alhoewel, daar was ‘n hoë spesie-omset tussen gebiede wat dus implikasies het vir die dambeeld (klomp damme) in die landskap. Dambeelde is netwerke van kleiner damme of vleilande, insluitend die landmatriks. Individuele damme is hoogs heterogeen as gevolg van plaaslike skommelinge, en daarom het dambeelde hoër bewaringswaarde. Hoofstuk 2 het gewys dat ten minste twintig damme bewaar moet word om die meeste taksas in 'n dambeeld te bewaar, wat die algemene grootte van ‘n dambeeld aandui. Hoofstuk 3 het gevind dat die ekotone van damme ‘n hoë spesie-omset het, met dat elke dam 'n ander stel spesies ondersteun, wat maak dat die dambeeld 'n groter hoeveelheid spesies ondersteun as individuele damme. Aardse spesies het op die watertoestande gereageer, alhoewel hulle in die droëland voorgekom het, wat daarop aandui dat damme 'n baie groter voetspoor het as net die omvang van die water, wat landelike buffergebiede 'n vereiste maak vir doeltreffende beskerming van vleiland biodiversiteit. Dambeelde het ‘n hoë bewaringsprioriteit en die bewaring daarvan moet die oorgangsones en skakels tussen damme insluit.
Thesis (MScConsEcol)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Ecosystem management -- Africa, Southern, Entomology -- Africa, Southern, Wetland ecology -- South Africa -- KwaZulu-Natal, Insect conservation, Wetland biodiversity conservation -- South Africa -- KwaZulu-Natal, UCTD