Development of a management tool for value creation supported by information systems in healthcare: an ecosystem perspective

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa’s healthcare sector has faced numerous challenges,that still persist today,that are rooted in policies that existed during the colonial and apartheid era. The current challenges that exist include:access to healthcare, the increase in noncommunicable diseases, and an increase in infant mortality. Despite the many breakthroughs achieved through innovations established post-1994, their success has been restricted due to the failure to fully delegate authority and by the erosion of efficiencies due to lack of leadership, corruption,and low staff morale.The persistence of these challenges presents the need to develop health-related solutions that have the potential to improve performance and accountability bye stablishing goals that unite the interests of all stakeholders. The goal that formed the focus of the research study was that of value.The research was used an opportunity to introduce the central challenge of value creation supported by information systems. The research focused on the factors that contribute to the ineffective management and use of information and how that affects the value that is created in a healthcare system. The healthcare industry in comparison to other industries is lagging in the adoption of formal strategies for information systems planning. This is partly owed to the complexity of the healthcare system. The research was specifically used to understand the role of information systems in healthcare and to explore various co-creation practices that could be used in conjunction with information systems to generate value. The research highlights the importance of value co-creation in the success of health information systems in addition to the crucial issue of strategic planning. The various value co-creation practices that were investigated in the research provided an anchor for the more abstract concepts of the value creation phenomena in order to strengthen their explanatory power in the healthcare context. A grounded theory approach was followed in there search to develop a novel management tool that takes on a macro level focus in healthcare.The proposed management tool consists of three overarching dimensions that characterises important strategic features of a value creation system that maybe considered in healthcare. The research uses the term “value creation system” throughout the study, as it considers the value creation process to be one that is complex and consisting of entities that are part of an interconnected network. The research explores these connections and how they can be used to create a conducive environment for value creation. It achieves this by adopting an ecosystem perspective that transcend the internal view of the healthcare system. This perspective offers a holistic view of the healthcare system and its networks, relationships and mechanisms that shape it, all while still taking into account the roles and strategies within the healthcare system. The dimensions of the framework are intended to assist researchers, policymakers, and health care workers to understand how a value creation system,supported by information systems, can be used to address and possibly overcome challenges faced within a healthcare organisation.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gesondheidsorgsektor in Suid-Afrika komvoor talle uitdagings te staan, wat vandag nog voortduur, wat onstaan het uitbeleidsrigtingsgedurende die koloniale en apartheidsera. Huidige uitdagings sluit in: toegang tot gesondheidsorg, die toename in nie-oordraagbare siektes en 'n toename in kindersterfte. Ondanks vele deurbrake deur middel van innovasies sedert1994, is die sukses daarvan beperk as gevolg van die versuim om gesag ten volle te delegeer te midde verswakking vandoeltreffendheid weens gebrek aan leierskap, korrupsie en lae moraal vanpersoneel. Dieuitdagings bied die noodsaaklikheid om gesondheidsverwante oplossings te ontwikkel wat die potensiaal het om prestasie en aanspreeklikheid te verbeter deur doelwitte van alle belanghebbendes in ag neem. Die het die skepping van waarde in gesondheidsorg-programme bestudeerDie navorsing het gefokus op die faktore wat bydra tot die oneffektiewe bestuur en gebruik van inligting en hoe dit die waarde wat in 'n gesondheidsorgstelsel geskep word, beïnvloed.Die navorsing beklemtoon die belangrikheid van waardeskepping in die sukses van gesondheidsinligtingstelsels, benewens die essensiële kwessie van strategiese beplanning. Die verskillende waardeskeppingspraktyke wat in die navorsing ondersoek is, lê die grondslag vir die abstrakte konsepte van waardeskeppingsverskynsels enhul verklarende krag in die gesondheidsorgkonteks.'nGebaseerde teorie-benadering is gevolg in die navorsing ten einde'n innoverendebestuursinstrument te ontwikkel wat fokus op die makrovlak in gesondheidsorg. Die voorgestelde bestuurshulpmiddel bestaan uit drie oorkoepelende strategiesdimensies van ‘nwaardeskeppingsisteem. Die navorsing gebruik die term "waardeskeppingsisteem" gedurende die hele studie, aangesien dit die waardeskeppingsproses beskou as een wat kompleksis en bestaan uit entiteite wat deel uitmaak van 'n onderling gekoppelde netwerk. Die navorsing ondersoek hierdie verbindings en hoe dit gebruik kan word om 'n bevorderlike omgewing vir waardeskepping te skep. Dit word bereik deur dieekosisteemperspektief ten einde 'n holistiese benadering te verkry van die gesondheidsorgstelsel, sy netwerke, verhoudings en meganismes wat dit vorm, terwyl dit steeds die rolle en strategieë binne die gesondheidsorgstelsel in ag neem. Die dimensies van die raamwerk stel ten doel om navorsers, beleidmakers en gesondheidswerkers te help om te verstaan hoe 'n waardeskeppingsisteem, ondersteun deur inligtingstelsels, gebruik kan word om uitdagings wat 'n gesondheidsorganisasie in die gesig staar, aan te spreek en moontlik te oorkom.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Healthcare, UCTD, Ecosystems, Information systems