Exodus in 2 Chronicles 10-36 : an exegetical study on inner-biblical allusion

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A shift in scholarly studies on Chronicles has occurred in the last forty years, from primarily historical examinations to assessments of its literary features. With this shift has come a focus on how Chronicles refers to other biblical books. The primary biblical source for Chronicles is Samuel-Kings, but Chronicles refers to other biblical texts as well. However, a systematic examination of the author’s allusions to a pentateuchal book has not yet been published. This study’s contribution to scholarship is a systematic evaluation of how Chronicles alludes to the book of Exodus in 2 Chr 10-36 and how those allusions impact the rhetorical arguments of that portion of the book. Additionally, this study reveals exegetical insights at specific points in 2 Chr 10-36 (including allusions not previously noted in the scholarship reviewed). The combination of three elements set this study apart from previous studies of inner-biblical allusion in the Hebrew Bible: (1) a systematic approach to finding inner-biblical allusions to one particular source, (2) a subsequent evaluation of those allusions with a robust methodology, and (3) a comparison of those allusions’ rhetorical uses to a narrative analysis of the alluding text. The study identifies sixteen inner-biblical allusions to Exodus in 2 Chr 10-36 with an additional fourteen recurrences of those allusions. Chronicles uses an assortment of lexical, conceptual, and structural markers to indicate its allusions to Exodus in 2 Chr 10-36, though shared language is the primary method. Each of the allusions to Exodus has one or more of the following uses: Moral Evaluation, Elevate the Temple and Priesthood, Establish and Reaffirm a Standard or Truth, Exegesis, and Encouragement. The study also situates the allusions in their narrative context for rhetorical investigation and comparison. The study observes in Chronicles the importance of the Davidic kingship and how the people of Israel can relate to YHWH, their God, through the proper operation of the cult. The significance of the temple and its location in Jerusalem are paramount. The centrality of the temple is not in its grandeur but in its emphasis on a relationship with the God who dwells there. The kings following David succeed or fail (or both) based on how they relate to YHWH. Those who relate well to YHWH and care for his temple receive God’s blessing. Those who spurn YHWH and disrupt or damage his temple receive his judgment. Chronicles uses allusions to Exodus in 2 Chr 10-36 to support at least three of that section’s rhetorical aims: (1) to evaluate the moral character of its characters, (2) to highlight and elevate the status of the temple and its attendants, the Levites, and (3) to establish and reaffirm the standards by which the text evaluates its characters.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die afgelope veertig jaar het ‘n verskuiwing in wetenskaplike studies van Kronieke plaasgevind, van oorwegend historiese benaderings tot die oorweging van die literêre kenmerke daarvan. Met hierdie verskuiwing word daar toenemend gefokus op hoe Kronieke na ander Bybelboeke verwys. Die primêre Bybelse bron vir Kronieke is Samuel-Konings, maar Kronieke verwys ook na ander Bybeltekste. ‘n Stelselmatige ondersoek van die skrywers se toespelings op ‘n Pentateugboek is egter nog nie gedoen nie. Hierdie studie se bydrae tot die wetenskap is ‘n stelselmatige evaluering van hoe Kronieke in 2 Kron 10-36 na die boek Eksodus verwys, en hoe die toespelings die retoriese argumente van daardie gedeelte van die boek beïnvloed. Daarbenewens lewer hierdie studie eksegetiese insigte oor spesifieke aspekte in 2 Kronieke 10-36 op (insluitend oor verwysings wat nie voorheen in studies opgemerk is nie). Die kombinasie van drie elemente onderskei hierdie studie van vorige studies oor binne-Bybelse toespeling in die Hebreeuse Bybel: (1) ‘n Sistematiese benadering om binne-Bybelse toespelings op een spesifieke bron te vind; (2) ‘n Daaropvolgende evaluering van die toespelings met die hulp van ‘n deeglike metodologie; en (3) ‘n Vergelyking van die retoriese gebruike van daardie toespelings met ‘n narratiewe analise van die betrokke tekste. Die studie identifiseer sestien binne-Bybelse toespelings op Eksodus in 2 Kronieke 10-36, met ‘n addisionele veertien herhalings van hierdie toespelings. Kronieke gebruik ‘n verskeidenheid leksikale, konseptuele en strukturele merkers om die toespelings op Eksodus in 2 Kronieke 10-36 aan te dui, hoewel gedeelde taal die primêre modus is. Elk van die toespelings op Eksodus word in een of meer van die volgende funksies gebruik: Morele evaluering; Aksentuering van die status van die tempel en die priesterdom; Vestigiging en bevestiging van ‘n standaard of waarheid; Eksegese; en Aanmoediging. Die studie plaas ook die toespelings in hul narratiewe kontekste met die oog op retoriese ondersoek en vergelyking. In die studie word waargeneem hoe belangrik die koningskap van Dawid in Kronieke is en hoe die volk Israel met JHWH, hul God, in verhouding staan deur die korrekte nakoming van die kultus. Die belangrikheid van die tempel en sy ligging in Jerusalem, is van die grootste belang. Die sentraliteit van die tempel is nie geleë in die grootsheid daarvan nie, maar in die klem op die verhouding met die God wat daar woon. Die konings wat Dawid volg, slaag of misluk (of albei) op grond van hoe hulle met JHWH in verhouding staan. Diegene wat wel met JHWH in verhouding staan, en na Sy tempel omsien, ontvang God se seën. Diegene wat JHWH verwerp en sy tempel ontwrig of beskadig, is onderworpe aan sy oordeel. Kronieke gebruik toespelings op Eksodus in 2 Kronieke 10-36 om ten minste drie van die retoriese doelstellings van daardie gedeelte van die narratief te ondersteun: (1) om die morele karakter van die karakters te evalueer; (2) om die status van die tempel en sy dienaars, die Leviete, te aksentueer; en (3) om die standaarde waarvolgens die teks die karakters beoordeel, duidelik te maak en te bevestig.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Bible. Chronicles, 2nd, XX-XXXVI -- Criticism, interpretation, etc., Bible. Exodus -- Criticism, interpretation, etc., Allusion, Intertextuality, Narrative Analysis, UCTD