Gamification and simulation teaching -- a system created to improve the depth of knowledge and knowledge retention of engineering students

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study presents research done on the possibilities of implementing an improved method of education in some of the modules in theindustrial engineering programme at Stellenbosch University. The focus is specifically on selected modules of the final year. A literature study on the history of education was done which describes the evolution of education from its start to its current state, as well as different modern teaching and learning styles. Also found in the literature study is research done on gamification, which is the propose deducation method for implementation. A survey was used to extract information from a final year group of students to determine their preferred learning methods and teaching styles, among other learning and teaching considerations. From the observations, the elements of gamification most suitable for implementation were determined and an architectural design was developed on how gamification can be implemented in a selected final year module. Students voluntarily signed up to participate in the gamification model created as a new teaching method in the selected module. Statistical analysis was done on the academic performance of the students before and after they participated in gamification to determine any improvement as a result of the new teaching method. Conclusions and recommendations based on the outcomes of the statistical tests followed with a brief explanation on certain pitfalls to avoid when implementing a gamification strategy.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis doen verslag oor navorsing wat gedoen is oor die moont-likheid om ‘n verbeterde metode van onderrig in sekere modules vandie bedryfsingenieursprogram by Stellenbosch Universiteit te imple-menteer. Die fokus is spesifiek op geselekteerde modules van die finale jaar. ‘n Literatuurstudie oor die geskiedenis en demografie vanonderwys word aangebied. Hierin word die evolusie van onderwysbeskryf van waar dit begin het tot wat dit vandag is, asook verskillendeonderrig- en leerstyle wat hedendaags voorkom. In die literatuurstudie kom navorsing oor “gamification” ook voor, wat die voorgestelde onderrigmetode vir implementering is. ‘n Opname was uitgestuuraan finale jaar studente om hulle verkose leer- en onderrigstyle vaste stel. Van die terugvoer is die elemente van “gamification” wat die meeste geskik is vir implementering bepaal. ‘n Argitektuuront-werp volg oor hoe “gamification” ge ̈ımplementeer sou word binne ‘ngegewe module in die bedryfsingenieurs program ‘n Groot aantal stu-dente in die finale jaar klas van 2020 het vrywillig deelgeneem aan die“gamification” model wat opgestel is as ‘n metode van onderrig virdie gekose module. ‘n Statistiese analise van die akademiese prestasiesvan die studente voor en na deelname is gedoen om enige verbeteringas gevolg van die model te bepaal. Gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelingsop grond van die statistiese resultate volg met ‘n kort verduidelikingvan moontlike struikelblokke om te vermy rakende ‘n “gamification”strategie in onderrig.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Classcraft, Engineering students, Knowledge management, Gamification, Engineering -- Study and teaching, UCTD