Introducing public private partnerships to implement natural resource management projects: a case study of the Land User Incentive, Groot Marico

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : The study examined the possible introduction of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the development, management and maintenance of ecological infrastructure assets and explores the Land User Incentive (LUI) program in South Africa (SA). PPPs are vehicles for cooperation between a public and private partner to collaborate formally to undertake a particular project or to provide a service. The focus was to explore the possibility to use LUI as a PPP model to provide and improve service delivery in the Natural Resource Management (NRM) sector. In SA and around the globe, the concept of PPPs has been widely used in the development and management of transport and health infrastructure. To date the opportunity and prospects presented by the PPP model in the NRM has not been fully explored. The use of PPP in the sustainability space gained traction following the United Nation’s World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) which took place in SA from 26th August to 4th September 2002 and this was 10 years later after the first Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 2002. The 2002 conference put development partnerships on top of the development agenda and acknowledged their role in achieving environmental sustainability. The Partnerships for Sustainable Development were framed as voluntary and non-negotiated collaborations between government and different groups which include the private sector. At the United Nations Sustainable Summit on 25th September 2015 (Paris Climate Change Agreement), sustainable development goal (SDG) number 17 on ‘Partnerships for Goals, reinforced the need for partnerships in the environmental or sustainable development sector and government and private sectors are amongst key stakeholders. The Groot Marico LUI in the North West Province was used as a case study to explore how the LUI can be modelled along the principles, practices and framework of a PPP model. The result affirmed that LUI can be used in NRM to provide a public service through the use of PPP as a service delivery vehicle. The study concluded that some level of similarities exists in the way LUI and PPP are implemented and both can be used to improve service delivery which can best be delivered through partnerships. In order for PPPs to be successful, the regulatory framework should be focused on encouraging the participation of the private sector to contribute towards private sector participation in service delivery. The creation of a legal framework through participatory engagement is necessary so as to ensure needs of all key participants are taken into account and the process is well regulated. The findings of the study presented the observation that in its current form and structure, the LUI program does not exonerate NRM from the threat of implementing agent’s failure. The notion that substantial risk is transferred to the implementing agent is inconsistent with that of partnerships being forged with the land-owners. As a result, the risk still remains with NRM as the primary financier of the clearing projects. By using the private sector as the primary financier, the issue of operational risk would be addressed. Furthermore, NRM would be solely responsible to manage the performance of the implementing agent. It is safe to conclude that since access to ecosystem services is every citizens right as enshrined in the Constitution (RSA, 1996), attempts to implement the LUI as a Co-operative Arrangement type of PPP will require extensive public consultation. NRM should consult widely on this proposal to avoid a possible public uproar. When presenting the proposed model to the public, NRM should focus on the economic value the program will add, and on the environmental and social values. The study also revealed that the introduction and implementation of the LUI program can contributes towards the success of the government-wide program intervention to address the challenges of poverty and unemployment. The lessons from the case study can be applicable to the rest of the country because LUI is a national program targeted at unlocking opportunities in the NRM sector. Further studies should focus on the overall implications of the introduction of the LUI, as the NRM’s very own PPP initiative. Future studies may centre on the future role of both state-run and non-public organizations whose current role is to advocate and conserve ecological infrastructure assets for the benefit of all.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Hierdie studie ondersoek die moontlike aanwending van Openbare-Private Vennootskappe (OPV) in die ontwikkeling en instandhouding van ekologiese infrastruktuurbates en die gebruik van die Openbare-Privaat Vennootskap konsep om die Grondgebruiker-Insentief (GI) program te ondersoek. OPVs is voetuie vir samewerking tussen ‘n openbare en ‘n private vennoot om formeel saam te werk om ‘n projek te onderneem of ‘n diens te verskaf. Die fokus was om die moontlikheid dat die GI as ‘n OPV benut kan word om dienslewering in die Natuurlike Hulpbronbestuurs-sektor (NHB) te voorsien en te verbeter. In Suid-Afrika en elders op die aarde is die konsep van OPVs wyd benut in die ontwikkeling en bestuur van vervoer- en gesondheids infrastrultuur. Tot op datum is die geleenthede en moontlikhede van die gebruik van die OPV model in NHB nog nie te volle ondersoek nie. Die gebruik van OPV op die terrein van volhoubaarheid het vastrapplek gekry na die Verenigde Nasies se World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) wat in Suid-Afrika gehou is vanaf 26 Augustus tot 4 September 2002 tien jaar nadat die eerste Aarde Beraad in Rio de Janeiro gehou is. Die 2002 konferensie het ontwikkelingsvennootskappe bo-aan die ontwikkelingsagenda geplaas en hulle rol in die bereiking van omgewingsvolhoubaarheid daarmee erken. Die Vennootskappe vir Volhoubare Ontwikkeling is opgestel as vrywillige en nie-onderhandelde samewerking tussen die regering en verskillende groepe insluitende die private sektor. Tydens die Verenigde Nasies se Volhoubaarheidsberaad op 25 September 2015 (Parys Klimaatsveranderingsooreenkons), is die volhoubaarheid ontwikkelingsdoelstelling nommer 17 wat betrekking het op ‘Vennootskappe vir Doelstellings’ en die behoefte vir vennootskappe in die omgewings- en ontwikkelingssektor met die regering en private sektore as sleutel rolspelers, opnuut herbeklemtoom. Die Groot Marico GI in die Noord Wes Provinsie is as gevallestudie gebruik om te bepaal of die LI op die beginsels, praktyke en raamwerk van die OPV model geskoei kan word. Die resultate dui daarop dat die GI in NHB gebruik kan word om ‘n openbare dienste deur middel van ‘n OPV as die diensleweringsvoertuig, te lewer. Die studie het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat daar op ‘n bepaalde vlak ooreenkomste bestaan in die wyse hoe die GI en OPV geimplementeer word en dat beide gebruik kan word om dienslewering te verbeter deur middel van vennootskappe. Die regulatoriese raamwerk moet daarop fokus om deelname deur die private sektor om tot openbare dienslewering by te dra, aan te moedig om suksesvol te kan wees. Die daarstelling van ‘n regsraamwerk deur die deelnemende betrokkenheid van al die sleutel rolspelers is nodig om te virseker dat almal se behoeftes inag geneem word en dat die proses goed gereguleer word. Die bevindinge van die studie bied die waarneming dat in sy huidige vorm en struktuur, die GI program nie die department se NHB afdeling vrywaar van die bedreiging van die mislukking deur die implementeringsagent nie. Die idee dat ‘n beduidende deel van die risiko oorgedra word aan die implementeringsagent is nie versoenbaar met die gedagte dat vennootskappe met die grondgebruikers gesmee word nie. Die resultaat is dat die risiko steeds by die NHB afdeling as die hoof finansierder van skoonmaakprojekte val. Indien die private sektor as die hoof finansierder gebruik word sal die kwessie van die operasionele risko aangespreek kan word. Voorts sal NHB afdeling sal dan slegs verantwoordelik wees om die prestasie van die implementeringsagent te bestuur. Dit is daarom veilig om tot die gevolgtrekking te kom dat aangesien die reg van elke burger tot toegang tot ekosisteem dienste volgens die Grondwet (RSA, 1996) verskans is, die poging om die GI as ‘n samewerkende reeling van ‘n OPV te implementer, uitgebreide openbare beraadslaging sal verg. Die NHB afdeling sal eers wyd oor hierdie reeling moet konsulteer om openbare opstand te voorkom. Wanneer die voorgestelde model aan die publiek voorgele word, moet die afdeling daarop fokus om die ekonomiese waarde wat die program sal tevoeg, en op die omgewings- en sosiale waarde daarvan. Die studie het ook uitgewys dat die instelling en implementering van die GI program kan bydra tot die sukses van ‘n regeringswye programintervensie om die uitdagings van armoede en werksloosheid aan te spreek. Die lesse van die gevalstudie kan op die res van die land toegepas word omdat die GI ‘n nasionale progam is wat daarop gemik is om geleenthede in die NHB sektor te ontsluit. Verder studies behoort op die oorhoofse implikasies van die GI as die NHB afdeling se eie OPV insiatief, te fokus. Verdere navorsing kan op die toekomstige rol van beide staatsgedrewe en nie-regeringsinstansies wie se huidige rol is om die bewaring van ekologiese infrastruktuurbates vir die voordeel van almal te bevorder, sentreer.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Environmental management -- Groot-Marico (South Africa), Public-private sector cooperation -- Groot-Marico (South Africa), Conservation of natural resources -- Groot-Marico (South Africa), Invasive plants -- Control -- Groot Marico (South Africa), Land user incentive -- Groot Marico (South Africa), UCTD