Engaging with theoretical approaches to state-civil society relations: A case study of child protection organisations informed by christian values in South Africa

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: For many decades, the definition of ‘civil society’, the role it plays in democratic societies, as well as its relationship with the state have been debated and contested in both theory and reality. Two key theoretical approaches have been identified, namely the ‘associational life’ and ‘public life’ models. The first approach endorses pluralism by recognising that multiple interests need to be represented in a democratic setting. In contrast, the second approach describes civil society as an arena for public deliberation in pursuit of the common interest; and thus requires groups to turn from their separate affairs and compromise on their truths for the sake of finding a shared ‘truth’. Consequently, this approach inadvertently ‘disqualifies’ groups, such as religious groups, who may be unwilling to conform, as they will not always be able to reach a shared truth. The general goal of this study was to advance an understanding of the contribution religious-based, specifically Christian-based, civil society organisations are making in eradicating child abuse and neglect in South Africa and in strengthening broader communities. The study also sought to recognise what their contributions mean in terms of the associational life and public life theoretical approaches. To understand the role these organisations play and how these roles fit into the theoretical approaches, three organisations were selected as case studies and a key informant from each was interviewed. This research thus involved an in-depth analysis of three Christian-based child protection organisations in South Africa. The primary data gathered from the interviews were analysed using content analysis, also known as coding, by means of ATLAS.ti. The data was then interpreted and discussed. The findings show that these groups play a central role in promoting the protection and wellbeing of children and also in empowering communities, holding the government accountable and ensuring a healthy democracy. The contributions of these organisations in South Africa include their wide reach, extending to the remotest corners of the country, advocacy and lobbying work in protecting children’s rights, fostering positive values, stimulating positive change and creating protective and nurturing environments. By highlighting the vital developmental role these Christian-based organisations play, this thesis argues that such religious groups should not be excluded from understandings of civil society. This thesis further discusses state-civil society relations and argues for diverse relations as opposed to a single homogenous set of relations. Since there is insufficient integration between empirical and theoretical research on civil society in South Africa, this thesis aims to address this gap and add to existing literature regarding associationalism in contemporary South Africa. Ultimately, the findings from this study are more commensurate with the associational life theoretical approach and have highlighted the necessity of pluralism not only in South Africa, but also in any democratic state.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die definisie van 'burgerlike samelewing', die rol wat dit speel in demokratiese samelewings, sowel as die verhouding met die staat, is al dekades lank bespreek en in teorie sowel as in die werklikheid betwis. Twee belangrike teoretiese benaderings is geïdentifiseer, naamlik die 'assosiasielewe' en 'openbare lewens'-modelle. Die eerste benadering onderskryf pluralisme deur te erken dat meervoudige belange in ‘n demokratiese omgewing verteenwoordig moet word. Hierteenoor, beskryf die tweede benadering die burgerlike samelewing as 'n arena vir openbare beraadslaging ter wille van gemeenskaplike belang; en vereis dus van groepe om af te sien van hul afsonderlike sake en hul waarhede prys te gee ten einde 'n gedeelde 'waarheid' te vind. Gevolglik ‘diskwalifiseer’ hierdie benadering onbedoeld sekere groepe, soos godsdienstige groepe, omdat hulle nie bereid is om te konformeer en ’n gedeelde waarheid te bereik nie. Die algemene doel was om vas te stel wat die bydrae is van godsdienstige, spesifiek Christelik-gebaseerde, burgerlike organisasies in die uitwissing van kindermishandeling en verwaarlosing in Suid-Afrika en die versterking van breër gemeenskappe. Hierdie studie het ook probeer om die betekenis van hul bydraes te erken in terme van die teoretiese benaderings van die samelewingslewe en die openbare lewe. Om die rolle wat hierdie organisasies speel te verstaan en hoe hierdie rolle in die teoretiese benaderings pas, is drie organisasies as gevallestudies gekies en onderhoude met ‘n sleutel-informant van elk gevoer. Hierdie navorsing het dus 'n diepgaande ontleding van drie Christelik-gebaseerde kinderbeskermingsorganisasies in Suid-Afrika behels. Die primêre data wat deur die onderhoude versamel is, is met behulp van inhoudsanalise, ook bekend as kodering, op ATLAS.ti geanaliseer. Die data is daarna geïnterpreteer en bespreek. Daar is gevind dat hierdie groepe 'n sentrale rol speel in die beskerming en welstand van kinders, in die bemagtiging van gemeenskappe, asook om die regering aanspreeklik te hou en 'n gesonde demokrasie te verseker. Die bydraes van hierdie organisasies in Suid-Afrika sluit ‘n wye reikwydte in wat tot die buitenste uithoeke van die land strek, voorspraak en lobbywerk om kinders se regte te beskerm, die bevordering van positiewe waardes, die stimulasie van positiewe verandering en die skep van beskermende en koesterende omgewings. Deur die noodsaaklike ontwikkelingsrol wat hierdie Christelik-gebaseerde rganisasies speel uit te lig, argumenteer hierdie tesis dat sulke godsdienstige groepe nie uitgesluit moet word van sienings oor die burgerlike samelewing nie. Hierdie tesis bespreek verder die verhouding tussen die staat en die burgerlike samelewing en is ten gunste van uiteenlopende verhoudings in teenstelling met 'n enkele homogene stel verhoudings. Aangesien daar 'n gebrek aan integrasie is tussen empiriese en teoretiese navorsing oor die burgerlike samelewing in Suid-Afrika, het hierdie tesis ten doel om hierdie leemte aan te spreek en 'n bydrae te lewer tot bestaande literatuur rakende assosiasielewe in die hedendaagse Suid-Afrika. Uiteindelik kom die bevindings uit hierdie studie meer ooreen met die assosiasielewe-teoretiese benadering en beklemtoon dit die noodsaaklikheid van pluralisme – nie net in Suid-Afrika nie, maar ook in enige demokratiese staat.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Civil society -- South Africa, South Africa -- Social policy, South Africa -- Politics and government, Child welfare, Child Protective Services, Child Protective Services Personnel, Children charities, CPS (Child Protective Services), Christian ethics, UCTD