Porous carbon and ceramic nanofibres

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study, a series of polyacrylonitrile (PAN)/polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) nanofibre blends with and without TiO2 nanoparticles as well as ceramic TiO2 composite nanofibres were successfully fabricated via the electrospinning process. The amounts of the PVP polymer within the blend ratios were 0 wt. %, 30 wt. %, 50 wt. %, 70 wt. %, and 100 wt. %. By altering the blend ratios of the PAN and PVP polymers, controllable porous morphologies were obtained. Two approaches were used to fabricate porous carbon nanofibres. The first involves the direct carbonisation of the precursor fibres while the second includes the leaching of the sacrificial PVP phase followed by the carbonisation process. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images showed a decrease in mean fibre diameter as well as change in the surface texture as a function of increased wt. % PVP. The former is explained by the decrease in solution viscosity while the latter is due to the phase inversion of blends; the matrix phase and the dispersed phase inverts into the dispersed phase and matrix phase as the amount of the dispersed phased is increased. With incorporation of the TiO2 nanoparticles, a significant increase in the fibre diameter is observed throughout the blend series and is explained by the restricted polymer chains segmental motion by the TiO2 nanoparticles during the fibre formation. TEM images showed that the TiO2 nanoparticles are homogenously dispersed along the fibre with some agglomerates present for the 0 wt. % PVP/TiO2 fibre. The increase in PVP content results in a drastic decrease in TiO2 particle dispersion with evidence of agglomerates within the fibre matrix. In conjunction with the electrospinning process, this is attributed as PAN being a good dispersing agent for the particles. According to the author’s knowledge, there are no studies on the solution ageing effects of PAN fibre blends. The results show an increase in the mean fibre diameter as well as solution viscosity are as a function of solution ageing time. This effect was found to be more pronounced for the pure PAN than PVP fibres. Precursor PAN/PVP films were prepared via solvent cast and rapid solvent evaporation preparation methods. The cast films were porous and the rapid solvent evaporation films were more homogenous in surface morphology. The resultant films showed different structures after direct carbonisation and PVP extraction followed by carbonisation. It was found that the film preparation methods have a significant effect on the resultant morphology. The precursor, direct carbonised, PVP extracted, PVP extracted followed by carbonisation samples were all analysed by FE-SEM, EDS-SEM, XRD, DSC, and TEM to quantify the effect of each step of this study. Decreased fibre diameters were observed after each of these steps. It was also found that the porosity was more apparent for the PVP leached samples with increased porosity as a function of PVP content. TEM images showed that the TiO2 nanoparticles were still embedded within the polymer matrix following both carbonisation routes with increase particles exposure on the fibre surface for the carbon 30 wt. % to 70 wt. %/TiO2 nanocomposite nanofibres. Ceramic TiO2 nanofibres were fabricated from hybrid carbonisation-calcination thermal treatment of PVP/TiO2 composite precursor fibres. The SEM and TEM images showed spine-like structures after the thermal treatment which is explained by the crystallization of the TiO2 and formation of amorphous carbon residue (partial thermalisation) from the PVP phase. XRD analysis showed that rutile TiO2 nanofibres were obtained.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie navorsing is 'n reeks polyacrylonitrile (PAN)/polyvynilpyrrolidone (PVP)-nanovesel met en sonder TiO2-nanodeeltjies sowel as keramiek-TiO2-saamgestelde nanovesels vervaardig deur gebruik te maak van die elektrospinproses. Die hoeveelhede van die PVP-polimeer in die mengsels was 0 gew. %, 30 gew. %, 50 gew. %, 70 gew. % en 100 gew. % gewees. Deur die mengverhouding van die PAN- en PVP-polimere te verander, is beheerbare poreuse morfologieë verkry. Twee benaderings is gebruik om poreuse koolstof-nanovesels te vervaardig. Die eerste behels die direkte verkoling van die voorlopervesels, terwyl die tweede die uitloging van die PVP-fase behels, gevolg deur die verkoling. Skandeer- elektronmikroskopie (SEM) beelde toon 'n afname in die gemiddelde vesel-deursnit sowel as ‘n verandering in die oppervlaktekstuur as 'n funksie van gew. % PVP. Eersgenoemde word verklaar deur die afname in viskositeit van die oplossing terwyl laasgenoemde as gevolg van fase-inversie van mengsels is; die matriksfase en die verspreide fase word in die verspreide fase en die matriksfase omgesit namate die hoeveelheid van die verspreide fase verhoog word. Met die byvoeging van die TiO2-nanodeeltjies word 'n beduidende toename in die veseldeursnit vir die hele versnitreeks waargeneem en dit word verklaar deur die beperking van segmentale draai van die polimeerkettings wat deur die TiO2-nanodeeltjies veroorsaak word tydens die veselvorming. ransmissie-elektronmikroskopie (TEM) beelde het getoon dat die TiO2- nanodeeltjies homogeen in die vesel versprei is met ‘n mate van agglomerasie in die 0 gew. % PVP/TiO2 vesel. Die toename in PVP-inhoud lei tot ‘n drastiese vermindering in TiO2- deeltjie verspreiding en bewyse van TiO2-deeltjie-agglomeraat teenwoordigheid in die veselmatriks. Te same met die elektrospinproses word dit toegeskryf aan die feit dat PAN 'n goeie verspreidingsmiddel vir die deeltjies is. Sover die outeur se kennis strek, is daar tot op hede geen studies oor die verouderingseffekte van PAN-veselmengsels nie. Die resultate toon dat 'n toename in die gemiddelde veseldeursnit sowel as oplossings viskositeit ‘n funksie van die verouderingstyd van die oplossing is. Daar is gevind dat hierdie effek meer prominent was vir die suiwer PAN as vir die PVP-vesels. Voorloper PAN/PVP films is berei deur gieting uit oplossing en ook deur vinnige oplosmiddelverdampings. Die gegote films was poreus en die vinnige oplosmiddelverdampingsfilms was meer homogeen in oppervlakmorfologie. Die bereide films het verskillende strukture getoon na direkte verkoling en PVP-verwydering gevolg deur verkoling. Daar is gevind dat die filmvoorbereidingsmetodes 'n beduidende effek op die resulterende morfologie het. Die voorloper-, direk verkool-, PVP-verwydering-, en PVP- verwyderde- gevolg deur verkolingmonsters, is almal deur FE-SEM, EDS-SEM, XRD, DSC en TEM geanaliseer om die effek van elke stap van hierdie studie te bepaal. Na elk een van hierdie stappe is dalende veseldeursnitte waargeneem. Daar is ook gevind dat die poreusheid meer sigbaar was vir die PVP-verwyderde monsters met verhoogde poreusheid as ‘n funksie van die oorspronklike PVP-inhoud. TEM-beelde het getoon dat die TiO2- nanodeeltjies nog steeds in die polimeermatriks ingebed is na beide verkolingsroetes met toenemende blootstelling van deeltjies op die veseloppervlak vir die koolstof 30 gew. % tot 70 gew. % PVP/TiO2 nanosaamgestelde nanovesels. Keramiek TiO2-nanovesels is berei uit die aangepaste hitte-behandeling van PVP / TiO2-saamgestelde voorlopervesel. Die SEM- en TEM-beelde het na die termiese behandeling ruggraat-agtige strukture getoon, wat verklaar word deur die kristallisering van die TiO2 en vorming van amorfe koolstofresidu (gedeeltelike termalisering) van die PVP-fase. XRD-analise het getoon dat rutiel TiO2-nanovesels verkry is.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Ceramic fibres, Nanofibres, Nanoparticles, Porous materials