An evaluation of the implementation of disciplinary codes and procedures at Nkhensani Hospital

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : The purpose of this study was to explore, describe and evaluate the implementation processes and procedures of the disciplinary codes of conduct and applicable policies at Nkhensani Hospital in the Mopani District of Limpopo Province. The study adopted a qualitative research design approach involving the usage of in-depth individual interviews to collect data from a purposively selected group of participants comprising nurses in various categories, senior executive management officials and human resources personnel at Nkhensani Hospital. Also included in the sample of 20 research participants were floor cleaners, nurse labour unions and Allied health personnel recruited by private labour brokers. The principal findings of the study revealed that while harmonious employer-employee relations were desired by all stakeholders, it was in the realm of implementation evaluation of disciplinary codes of conduct and procedures, that problems and challenges were found. For this reason, the principal recommendation of the study is premised on the urgent need for hospital management and employee representatives to continuously engage in training and reskilling programmes on labour relations in order to prevent conflict and adversarial relations in the workplace.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die doel van die studie was om die uitvoering van die disiplinêre gedragskode en toepaslike beleid by die Nkhensani Hospitaal in die Mopani Distrik van Limpopo Provinsie te ondersoek. Hierdie studie bestaan uit ‘n kwalitatiewe navorsings-benadering wat gebruik gemaak het van in-diepte individuele onderhoude om inligting te versamel van ‘n doelbewus verkose groep deelnemers bestaande uit; verpleeg personeel uit verskillende areas, uitvoerende bestuur en menslike hulpbron bestuur by die Nkhensani Hospitaal. Ook ingesluit by die groep van 20 deelnemers was skoonmaak personeel op die vloer, verpleeg arbeid unies en Allied mediese personeel gewerf deur privaat arbeidsmakelaars. Die belangrikste bevinding van hierdie studie het openbaar dat, terwyl harmonieuse werkgewer-werknemer betrekkinge ‘n wens van alle belanghebbendes was, die uitvoering van die disiplinêre gedragskode probleme en uitdagings bevat. Vir hierdie rede is die hoof-aanbeveling van die studie gewortel in die dringende behoefte vir hospitaal bestuur en verteenwoordigers van werknemers om voortdurend betrokke te wees in opleiding en vaardigheidsontwikkelings-programme ten opsigte van arbeidsbetrekkinge om konflik en ongustige betrekkinge in die werksplek te verhoed.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Disciplinary codes -- Evaluation -- Giyani (South Africa), Labor discipline --- Giyani (South Africa), Nkhensani Hospital -- Employees -- Giyani (South Africa), UCTD