Nursing students satisfaction with clinical practice environment during their undergraduate training in Namibia

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Background: Since nursing is a practice-based profession, the clinical practice environment is an important aspect of nursing education. The nursing students‟ satisfaction with the clinical practice environment is an important criterion used to evaluate nursing education. The quality of the clinical practice environment tends to influence nursing student‟s satisfaction with such. The study aimed to explore the satisfaction of undergraduate student nurses‟ in Namibia about their clinical practice environments. The objectives were to explore students‟ satisfaction as it relates to the learning environment, supervisory relationship and the role of the nurse teacher. The research question was: How satisfied are the undergraduate nursing students with the clinical practice environment during their undergraduate training in Namibia? Method: A quantitative descriptive cross-sectional design was used. The sample (n=421) comprised 1st to 4th year nursing students and n=267 students returned the questionnaires; return rate = 63%. A validated questionnaire, the Clinical Learning Environment and Nurse Teacher (CLES-T) was used to collect data. A pilot test was done to refine the study methodology. The researcher obtained ethical clearance from the Health Research Ethical Committee (HREC) of Stellenbosch University. Institutional permission was obtained from the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) in Namibia and the participating institutions of higher education. Informed consent was obtained from each participant. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 26.0 and the assistance of a biostatistician. Results: Overall, 65.9% of the participants were satisfied with the clinical practice environment; 16.7% were dissatisfied, while 17.6% were indecisive. Furthermore, students who had good relationships with their respective supervisors were more satisfied with the pedagogical atmosphere (P<0.010). Students who received more frequent clinical supervision were also more satisfied with the supervisory process (p<0.011). The recommendation included a call to the ward manager to encourage the registered nurses to view their educational responsibility of clinical teaching and supervision seriously. Conclusion: Nursing students who received regular supervision and had good relationships with their supervisors are more satisfied with the clinical practice environment.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Agtergrond: Siende verpleging ʼn praktykgebaseerde professie is, is die kliniese werksomgewing ʼn belangrike aspek van verpleeg-opvoeding. Die tevredenheid van verpleegstudente met die kliniese werksomgewing is ʼn belangrike maatstaf waarmee verpleegopvoeding gemeet word. Die gehalte van die kliniese werksomgewing neig verpleegstudente se tevredenheid daarmee te beïnvloed. Die studie het gepoog die om die tevredenheid van voorgraadse verpleegstudente in Namibië met hul kliniese werksomgewing, te verken. Die doelwitte was om die studente se tevredenheid soos dit met die leeromgewing, toesighouer-verhouding en die rol van die verpleegopvoeder verband hou, te verken. Die navorsingsvraag was: Hoe tevrede is voorgraadse verpleegstudente in Namibië met die kliniese werksomgewing? Metodes: ʼn Kwantitatiewe beskrywende dwars-snit ontwerp was gebruik. Die steekproef het uit 1-4de jaar verpleegstudente bestaan (n=421) en n=267 studente het die vraelyste terugbesorg; terugkoers = 63%. ʼn Geldige vraelys, die „Clinical Learning Environment and Nurse Teacher (CLES-T)’ was gebruik om data te versamel. ʼn Loodstoets was gedoen om die navorsingsmetodologie te verfyn. Die navorser het etiese goedkeuring van die Gesondheidsnavorsing Etiek Komitee (GNEK) van Universiteit Stellenbosch verkry. Institusionele toestemming was van die Ministerie van Gesondheid en Maatskaplike Dienste (MGMD) in Namibië en die deelnemende instansies van hoër onderwys verkry. Ingeligte Toestemming was van elke deelnemer verkry. Data was deur die „Statistical Package for Social Sciences’ (SPSS), weergawe 26.0 en die hulp van ʼn biostatistikus geanaliseer. Resultate: Meeste van die deelnemers (65.9%) was met die kliniese werksomgewing tevrede; 16.7% was ontevrede, wyl 17.6% besluiteloos was. Meer nog, studente wat goeie verhoudings met hul onderskeie supervisors gehad het, was meer met die leeromgewing tevrede (P<0.010). Studente wat meer gereelde kliniese supervisie ontvang het, was meer met die kliniese leerproses tevrede (p<0.011). Die aanbevelings het ingesluit: ʼn oproep aan die saalbestuurder om geregistreerde verpleegsters aan te moedig om hul opvoedkundige verantwoordelikheid van kliniese onderrig en supervisie meer ernstig te sien. Gevolgtrekking: Verpleegstudente wat gereelde supervisie ontvang het en goeie verhoudings met hul supervisors gehad het, was meer met die kliniese werksomgewing tevrede.
Thesis (MNur)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Nursing students -- Attitudes -- Namibia, Nursing -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Namibia, Nursing -- Practice -- Namibia, UCTD