Perspectives of midwives on perinatal mental health screening in maternity facilities in the Cape Metropole

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Background: The prevalence and aetiology of perinatal mental illnesses has been largely documented in previous studies. Despite the far-reaching impact that untreated perinatal mental illnesses may have on women and their families, policies and funding to address mental health needs remain poorly prioritised. Due to increased utilisation of health care, pregnancy has been identified as an ideal opportunity to screen for perinatal mental distress. The purpose of this study was to explore the perspectives of midwives working in maternity facilities regarding perinatal mental health screening and reviewing strategies to integrate perinatal mental health with routine physical care. Methods: A qualitative study with a descriptive exploratory approach was employed to conduct the study. The study was conducted at four midwife and obstetric units in the Metro West District, Cape Metropole. The nine participants were purposefully selected based on predetermined criteria and the insight which they could potentially offer in view of perinatal mental health screening. Results: The study elicited three major themes in relation to perinatal mental health screening. The themes identified include appreciating perinatal mental health screening, perinatal mental health screening provision and effective integration of perinatal mental health screening. Conclusion: Staff shortage, increased workload, inadequate competencies, and a lack of referral pathways were identified as major barriers to addressing perinatal mental health needs. These findings will be submitted to the Metro West health services so as to optimise the provision of perinatal mental health care to all women accessing the services.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Agtergrond: Die voorkoms en etiologie van perinatale geestesiektes is wyd gedokumenteer in vorige studies. Ondanks die verreikende gevolge van onbehandelde perinatale geestesiektes op ‘n vrou en haar familie mag hê, is beleide en befondsing swak geprioritiseer. As gevulg van verhoogde benutting van gesondgeidsorg, word swangerskap as ‘n ideale geleentheid geidentifiseer om te sifting vir geestelike noode. Die doel van die studie was om die perspektiewe van vroedvroue wat in kraamfasiliteite werk rakende perinatale ondersoek na geestesgesondheid te ondersoek en die hersiening van strategiee om perinatale geestesgesondheid sifting te integreer met roetine- fisieke sorg. Metode : ‘n Kwalitatiewe studie met ‘n beskrywende verkennende benadering was gebruik om die studie uit te voer. Die studie was by vier kraam eenhede in die Metro Wes Distrik, Kaap Metropool uitgevoer.Die negedeelnemers was doelgerig gekies op grond van voorafbepaalde insluitingskriteria en die insig wat hulle potensieel kon bied in die lig van perinatale geestegesondheid ondersoek. Resultate: Die studie het drie hooftemas ontlok met betrekking tot perinatale geestesgesond ondersoek. Die temas wat geidentifiseer is, sluit die waardering van perinatale geestesgesondheidsifting, die voorsiening van perinatale geestesgesondheid sorg en die effektiewe integrasie van perinatale ondersoeke vir geestesgesondheid in.. Slotsom: Personeeltekorte, verhoogde werslading, onvoldoende bevoegdhede en ‘n gebrek aan verwysingsroetes is geidentifiseer as belangrike struikelblokkeom perinatae ondersoek na geestesgesondheid aan te spreek. Hierdie bevindings sal aan die Metro-Wes gesondheidsdienste voorgele word om die voorsiening van perinatale geestesgesondheid sorg te optimaliseer aan alle vroue wat toegang tot die diens het.
Thesis (MNur)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Midwives -- Attitudes, Pregnant women -- Mental health, Postpartum psychiatric disorders, Perinatal -- Mental health, UCTD