The perceptions of South African speech and language therapists regarding the provision of voice and communication intervention to the transgender population

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Background: In South Africa there is an increase in the prevalence of individuals who identify as transgender, which urges clinicians and researchers to focus on becoming more trans-competent. This includes clinically and culturally appropriate assessment and management of individuals who identify as transgender. Previous studies have identified a lack of exposure for speech and language therapists (SLTs) regarding the transgender population. Objectives: The aims of the study included to determine SLTs’ knowledge, awareness and attitudes in providing voice and communication intervention to the transgender population. Method: The research design of the study was a concurrent mixed methods design, in which quantitative and qualitative data collection took place simultaneously. The quantitative data was analyzed by a statistician on Microsoft Excel and the qualitative data was transcribed and coded by the researcher. Results: Results suggested a willingness among SLTs to improve their knowledge, awareness and attitudes. This study suggests poor knowledge and awareness among the participants regarding transgender voice and communication intervention however, the attitudes among the participants were mostly positive. It was found that cultural encounters are not common among South African SLTs, which contributes to poor cultural knowledge and skills. Conclusion: There is a need for undergraduate training and exposure in order to increase the knowledge, awareness and attitudes among SLTs. SLTs need to strive towards being trans-competent when providing intervention to the population by having a good background knowledge, appropriate awareness and positive attitudes. The findings of this study will be useful to inform future educational and training opportunities, and further research needs are identified for this field of intervention in order to ensure adequate and appropriate training and intervention for the transgender population by SLTs.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Agtergrond: In Suid-Afrika is daar ‘n toename in die voorkoms van individue wat identifiseer as transgeslag dit moedig klinici en navorsers aan om meer trans-bevoeg te wees. Dit sluit in, kliniese en kulturele toepaslike assessering en behandeling van individue wat identifiseer as transgeslag. Studies in Amerika het ‘n tekort aan blootstelling aangaande die transgeslag populasie onder spraak-taal terapeute (STTe) identifiseer. Hierdie studie was uitgevoer om die volgende navorsingsvraag te beantwoord: “Wat is die persepsies van gekwalifiseerde STTe in Suid-Afrika aangaande stem- en kommunikasieintervensie vir die transgeslag populasie?”. Doelwitte: Die doelwitte van die studie was om die STTe se kennis, bewustheid en houdings aangaande stem- en kommunikasie-intervensie te bepaal vir die transgeslag populasie. Metode: Die navorsingsontwerp van die studie was 'n gelyktydige gemengde metodes ontwerp, waarin kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data-insameling gelyktydig plaasgevind het. Die kwantitatiewe data is deur ‘n statistikus geanaliseer op Microsoft Excel en die kwalitatiewe data is getranskribeer en gekodeer deur die navorser. Resultate: Bevindinge dui daarop dat daar ‘n gewilligheid onder STTe is om hul kennis, bewustheid en houdings te verbeter. Die studie dui op swak kennis en bewustheid onder deelnemers aangaande transgeslag stem- en kommunikasie-intervensie en die houdings onder deelnemers was meestal positief. Samevatting: Daar was bevind dat kulturele ontmoetings met die transgeslag populasie nie algemeen is vir Suid-Afrikaanse STTe nie, wat tot swak kulturele kennis en vaardighede bydra. Daar is ‘n behoefte vir voorgraadse opleiding en blootstelling om kennis, bewustheid en houdings onder STTe te verbeter. Werkwinkels en kursusse word benodig om meer nagraadse opleidingsgeleenthede te bied. STTe moet daarna streef om trans-bevoeg te wees wanneer intervensie aan die transgeslag populasie gebied word, deur ‘n goeie agtergrondskennis te hê, toepaslike bewustheid en positiewe houdings. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie sal nuttig wees om toekomstige opvoedkundige en opleidingsgeleenthede te fasiliteer, en verdere navorsings behoeftes in hierdie area van intervensie word bespreek, om die voldoende en toepaslike opleiding en intervensie vir die transgeslag populasie deur STTe te bevorder.
Thesis (MSL&HT)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Transgender people -- South Africa, Speech therapists -- Attitudes -- South Africa, Speech therapy -- Practice -- South Africa, UCTD